⫣22⫦ Black Swan

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And another oneeeee!!!!

Taehyung POV

The inside of the office building is as unspectacular as the outside.
Only a desk with folders and papers, a few filing shelves and a little sofa.
There is dust everywhere, like no one has cleaned this place in a long time.

The only thing that catches someone's eye is the massive, body-sized painting of a ballerina.

She wears black tutu with a skin tight black top, and the upper half of her face is obscured with a black mask swinging out on both sides in elegant swirls to frame her lovely face.
Her body arches to the top, raised on tip toes, her arms reaching over her head into the air and her hands are creating the distinct shadow of a swan on the painted wall behind her.

For some reason she reminds me of Lian.

It isn't just the similar body structure or the black long hair.
It's the smile on her face- her lips parted and arched upwards like she is on a height of ecstasy she never felt before.

RM is nowhere to be seen, but it doesn't surprise me or the others.
Suga stands in front of the picture now, raising his hand up to the shadow of the swan.

We all see the fine ray of a blue light scan the place where his hand lays flat against the picture. Then there is a mechanic click and the picture swings inwards, revealing a staircase downwards.

Like always, the hairs on the back of my neck rise at the secret we keep from the world. Something we all chose and needed.

We make our descent into the room below.

Lucky for us, the previous owner of this Junkyard was one paranoid fella, building himself a bunker underneath his office to be prepared in case of World War III breaking out.

And we made good use of it.

The entire room is filled with a blue-green light, revealing a space filled with electronics.
There are several desks with multiple screens, keypads and laptops, flat screens that take up half the size of the walls and computers bumming lowly as they come to life.

RM already sits in his personal desk, eyes down on the paper in front of him, head resting in his hands.
Although he owns several computers, his desk is also covered in various papers, notebooks and folders.

Others may call it old fashioned, but he likes to write his ideas by hand and the place looks a complete mess most of the time- but he always seemed to find exactly what he is looking for in a heartbeat.

Suga walks over to his usual space.
He throws himself into a large office chair which almost swallows his entire body, not one, not two , but three desks in front of him, surrounding him in a half circle.
He has by far the largest amount of technology with four screens and keypads, a laptop, several phones laying around and then a couple of more mechanical stuff I can't even name.

The rest of us don't really have fixed workspaces.
We usually pick whatever desk is currently free, depending on what we need to do.

This is RM's and Suga's area- a place were they are fully in their element.

They are the ones the rest of us needs to trust and rely on when we are out and about, doing all kinds of illegal, forbidden stuff.
And to this day neither has let us down.

The rest of the world thinks us to be nothing but rascals.

A group of loose teenagers seeking trouble and creating chaos, with no future and no hope for a better life.
A lost cause.
The shame of society.

We let them think that.

While Jin makes his way to one of the unoccupied office chairs, I head to the little kitchen at the end of the room.
Since RM and Suga sometimes spend hours or even days in here, it became an inconvenience for them to always walk all the way back to the canopy to get food and drinks, hence this very smart investment.
Not that money is a problem for us as long as Hoseok is with us.

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