⫣45⫦ Path of Healing

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Someone taps on my shoulders, and a sudden instinct takes over, enraging me and making me snap at the person- only to see it's Taehyung.

My anger vanishes like it was never there.

He looks down at me with a soft expression.

"He's asleep now, Lian. You can let go."

I don't want to.
I don't think I can.
But then Namjoon and Jin are by my side, slowly lowering Hoseok down on the bed and out of my hug.

I keep my eyes on his sleeping face.
He suddenly looks so peaceful, his face relaxed and serene in sleep.

"I want to stay here tonight," I breath out, unable to stop the words.
I can't leave him, my heart still in tatters after what just happened.

Someone strokes a tear away from my face and I look up at Taehyung again.
Whatever he sees in my expression makes him nod.

"You can. But please let Jin treat that wound first."

Confusion spreads within me.
He takes my hand and lifts my arm so I can see the blood running down from a gash on my upper arm.

"Oh," I breath, suddenly remembering the shard of glass.

It's like pointing out the wound finally releases the sharp pain that accompanies it.
I let out a hiss and Jin is by my side a second later.

"Let me see," he says all professional, then inspects the wound carefully.

"And?" Yoongi asks from the back.
They are all still here- making sure I was all right I realize.
Jin sighs.

"It's not that deep. It doesn't need stitches.
A bandage will be enough.
Can you get me one from my things in my trailer, Yoongi?"

Yoongi barely seems to have heard him.
He is only staring at the slepping boy, his expression dark but unreadable.
Finally his face snaps up to Jin and he nods, then turns on his heels and is out the door in a heartbeat.

He must have sprinted over there, because only a few seconds later he is back, his breathing heavy and holding something white in his hands.

Jin makes quick work of binding me up, then leans back and silence descends.
I glance back down at the sleeping Hoseok.

"How often does this happen?"

Even my whispering seems too loud.
It's Jimin who answers, sitting on the floor next to Jungkook who looks more shaken than anyone, like he is blaming himself for not being strong enough.

Or because of how much he was reminded when he himself had been so out of his mind, under the influence of drugs he accidentally hurt a person he loved too.

"Usually once every two months or so. But his last one was almost five months ago.
It's not always this bad. Today-"

He doesn't finish.
He doesn't need to.
This time was worse.

There is a deep sigh from Namjoon before he straightens himself and announces:
"All right. I think we should all get some sleep. Enough action for one day.
Taehyung, you should get some comfortable clothes for Lian."

His voice is steady and clear, shaking the others out off their still stunned state.
They all nod at their leader, leaving one after the other, Jungkook leaning heavily on Jimin as they walk out together.

Taehyung turns one more time, like the thought of leaving me even for a few moments bothers him.

Silence descents again as it's just me and Namjoon.

He hasn't left.

"You should get some sleep too, Namjoon."

He doesn't respond, his hands opening and closing like he is struggling with himself.
Then he walks over to where I sit on the bed and hugs me.
I am too stunned to do anything.

"Thank you, Lian," he whispers holding me for a moment longer then withdraws to look me deep in the eyes.

"We've never been able to calm him when he was like that.
I don't know if you understand just how amazing you were today.
And at the same time-" He lets out a growl, his face darkening.

"Don't you ever do something so reckless again!
What if it had been a knife?
Did you even think about yourself before you acted?
You could have seriously gotten hurt!"

I sink into myself, looking at my hands, then back at Hoseok.
I stroke his face, more like the whisper of a touch.
I look back at Namjoon.

"You would have done the same if you had seen in time, am I right?"

He opens his mouth, probably to deny it, then closes it again, glancing at sleeping Hoseok as well.
His face softens and I see the love he holds for every single one of his members.
Love and fear- fear of loosing them like he lost his brother.

I breath in sharply, suddenly understanding.

What must have it been like for him to see Hoseok direct that shard at himself today?
Did it remind him of his brother?

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