⫣50⫦ Party Crasher

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We make our way down the hallway again, our hands interlocked and my heartbeat still erratic.

I did my best to look respectable again, but I can't do anything about my rosy cheeks or my glassy eyes.
Taehyung is no better.

He made the best of his hair and his suit and tie looks perfect again, but just like me, he still looks a little out of breath.

Suddenly he stops, like a thought just appeared to him.
"Shit, are you still on the pill?"

I stop and stare too.
Do I even want to know how he knew I was?

My gynecologists described it to me about a year ago when I felt like physically dying that time of he month and the pill had helped me regulate my cycle.
When I see his horrid expression, I nearly burst out laughing.

"Don't worry. I still do.
Why? Don't wanna have a baby Tae running around on the camp?"

It's supposed to be a joke, but Taehyung turns awfully pale.

"I-" He starts, his voice grave like he's searching for the right words.
My heart falls.

I know he only gets like this when his past is involved.
I want to smack myself for my comment.

Just when I'm about to play it off and crack a joke, he answers.

"I don't know the first thing about being a father. Mine only ever caused me pain."

My heart hurts for him.
I wish I could do something to lesson the despair.
And maybe in some ways I do, but I know he can never be free from it.
Never run fast enough to escape whatever painful memories he held.
I step closer, reaching up to lay a hand on his cheeks.

"It's okay Tae. I meant what I said. You never have to tell me about your past if you don't want to."

He sighs heavily.

"I want to- it's just- I.. I can't."

"And that's Okay too. It doesn't matter to me.
What matters is who you are now."

He lets out a little relieved breath and shakes his head as if to shake his dark past away.
When he glances up at me, his grin is wide and mischievous again.

"You ready for some more fun?"

I smile right back at him.
"Nothing will be more fun than what we just did," I exclaim, making him chuckle.

I can see him wanting to reply something, but we have already reached the base of the staircase and some people are around, watching us.
I don't care what they think we did up there, but it means playing our little roles again.
I nod at them politely as Taehyung leads me back into the crowd.

My eyes immediately land on our target.
As predicted, a tech guy is in the midst of setting up a large projector and white screen, fumbling on the keys of his laptop.
I feel the little shove of Taehyung's hand as he nudges me forward, nodding encouraging.

I take a deep breath and walk over to him, letting my hips swing and taking long steps to show of my leg through the slit of the dress.
He is maybe in his late twenties, nerd glasses on his face.
There is nothing particular interesting about him: plain face, dull eyes and medium height.
Maybe that's why his eyes widen when he sees me directly head for him.

"Hey there," I greet him, battling my eyelashes and turning my voice innocent and shy.
His mouth drops open as his eyes scan my body, that dress and then stop for a second at my lips which have drawn up into a brilliant smile.

"M-me?" he chokes out, and I have to admit, looking so startled almost makes him cute.

"Yes you. Who else would I mean, silly?" I tease a little.

His eyes fly open even wider.

"Can I help you, ma'm?"

I nod, my hair bouncing with my head.

"Actually, you can," I start and from the corner of my eyes, I see Taehyung walk seemingly directionless in the direction of the PC desk.

"I have this problem with my phone, you see.
And I thought a smart looking technician like you might be able to help me out?"

He seems to consider it for a moment, looking from his laptop to the phone in my hand and back to the laptop.
My heart is racing, adrenaline rushing through my body.
I have to get him away from that desk for at least a few seconds.
But to my great relieve, I see his eyes swing back to me and then his head bobs vigorously.

"Of course, of course, anything you need."

He makes the mistake of his life as he walks down from the raised desk and stands next to me.
I try to explain the problem, pretending to be really stupid and at loss with technology while I try not to look up to see whether Taehyung already inserted the video file.
I keep my focus on the tech guy as he goes through the non-existing problem with me.

Then suddenly there is a hand on my back.
I jump, a little surprised yelp escaping me.

"Are you having problems with your phone again, sweety?" Tae asks, playing the perfect snob as he adds:
"I will just get you a new one. Why bother with this?"

He points at the poor boy in front of me.
He has turned a deep shade of red, both insulted and wishing to be anywhere but besides the arrogant male who now holds me protectively with one hand, clearly stating who I belong to.

I doubt he is acting much on that part.

I try not to show anything on my face as I look up at my fiancé with a radiant smile.

"You're probably right darling. Thanks so much for your help anyway," I say as a way of good-bye, turning on my heels and already heading for the servants with the food trays.

Taehyung follows close behind me, grinning to himself as I already help myself to some delicious cake and put it in my mouth.
I'm fucking starving!

"Nah, nah, is that any way for a lady to behave?"

I stick out my tongue, then make sure no one stands close enough to overhear us.

"Does it matter now? In a few minutes hell is gonna break loose anyway."

He smiles, nods and then grabs a piece of the chocolate cake as well.

"You're right."

"I'm always right."

"Your always a pain in my ass," he jokes back with a snort.

Okay, maybe I'm feeling particularly nasty today as I smirk, shifting my weight to one foot and say:
"Mhh, maybe I'll let you be a pain in my ass someday.
But let's take it one new experience at a time, shall we?"

I just love how he chokes on the cake.
Then he bursts out laughing, shaking his head.

"God, I should get used to that dirty mouth of yours, but I just can't.
You surprise me every time."

"And I'll make damn sure it stays that way."

"You're going to send me to an early grave with that kind of talk."

"Death during sex does sound badass on a gravestone though."

He chuckles again, then pulls me close.
I watch him with wide eyes as he reaches up and wipes away some left over chocolate from the edge of my mouth, then holds my gaze as he licks it off his fingers.

My breath falters and he grins wildly.

"Some things never change."

I narrow my eyes and push him away, pretending to sulk.
I know he referred to my inability to speak whenever he does something sexual like that.
I'm about to reach for another piece of cake to literally swallow my anger when a voice sounds behind us.

"I see you are enjoying the offerings quit a bit, Mrs. Lee."

My head snaps around at the same time Taehyung's does.
I force my lips into a fake smile.

"I really do, Mr. Cheng. The chocolate cake is just delicious."

He laughs brightly with those wrinkle around his eyes.
Ugh- how can a despicable person like him look this friendly?

"That is a relieve to hear.
I'm actually about to show some of my recent developments in Gangnam."

He turns to Taehyung.

"I was hoping you might be interested to go into business with me, Mr. Cho."

Taehyung turns all business, shaking his hand.

"It would be a great honor, Mr. Chen. My fiancé and I have actually gone to see the new buildings in Seoul already. I have to say, we were very impressed." '

I grin, gifting Mr. Cheng a brilliant smile.

"I was so astonished at what humanity is capable of.
You should get all the credit you deserve."

While my words are sweet, they bear such a darker meaning.
But of course Cheng has no idea as he looks truly flattered.

"Well," he waves it off with a shrug "I have tried my best."

"So you have." Taehyung agrees, then pulls me into a sideways hug as he continues:
" We can't wait to see the presentation. It will certainly be the best part of the evening."

Nope, that already happened, I smirk to myself.
But it would still be hell of an entertainment.

This pathetic piece of shit has no idea which kind of predators he has let into his house, but I can't wait for him to find out.

"Please, follow me. You will get a front row seat then of course."

Oh yes please!

A dark thrill runs through my body as he guides me and Taehyung through the crowd and shows us to the front.

"Oh, Mr. Cheng," Taehyung calls, just before the businessman is about to stand on the raised plateau behind the beamer.

He turns, looking down with an unsuspecting smile.
Taehyung doesn't let anything on his face slip even as he says:
"You should know that both my fiancé and I are absolutely invested in this project of yours. Coming here has been a long plan of ours."

Cheng does seem a little confused at the odd choice of words, but then nods vigorously.

"I'm looking forward to doing business with you."

"So do we," I answer for him.

I have to admit, Cheng does catch the attention of everyone as he starts his speech, making everyone feel welcome and important while also boosting his own ego.
He reminds me a little of my father: charismatic, charming, and a pathological lying piece of shit.

The projector is turned on.

My heart races.

"This is my newest development site in Seoul," Cheng announces.

For a second, there really are the collages of the new skyscrapers, all modern and fancy and most likely unpayable for normal folks.

Then the screen blinks white once, the slide show turning into a video recording, the person filming shaking slightly.
Outcry and gasps of shock ripple through the crowd as they realize what they are seeing.

Even I can't help myself.

At least the identity of the girls had been protected, their faces blurred out but not making it any less horrendous.
And the man doing it barley comparable to the nicely tailored, smiling man in front but undeniable the same person.

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