⫣58⫦ Broken

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I'm hidden in my old bedroom, the door half open as I listen.

The Mercedes Benz C-class pulls into the driveway.
I don't think I'm breathing as I stand completely still.
Then the keys turn in the lock and the front door opens.

"What do you mean, you still haven't found her? I told you to keep an eye on her, Frank!
Do you think I'm paying you to do vacation in England?"

My fathers voice is loud in the otherwise empty house, anger and frustration making it echo through the rooms.

The light is turned on.
I pull back a little more, keeping myself hidden.

"Do your fucking job Frank and find her!"

Oh yes- Frank.
I'd known my father didn't trust me enough even after I had left and did everything he wanted from me.
I never bothered with the fake janitor at my school even knowing he was watching me on my fathers behalf.

I hear the keys being thrown on the table, the clattering loud and angry, just like his voice.

"Did you at least locate Seo-Joon?"

Whatever the answer, it's not something my father wanted to hear as he snarls:

"I told you. Find him and you'll find my daughter!
He's been obsessed with her from the start.
I tried to keep him away from her.
I thought I had him under control but he apparently has no self-control when it comes to his sister!
You need to find him asap.
He knows too much.
He can jeopardize everything!"

I smack a hand in front of my lips so the sound of my laughter doesn't come out.
Does my father sound afraid?

Oh, isn't this the most satisfying sound in the world!

I hear footsteps- then a bottle plopping- then a glass being filled.
Adrenaline spikes even as my heart... does nothing.

It died the moment I found out Taehyung had.

There is only cold, overwhelming anger and hate now.
Only one goal.
One purpose.

"No, Frank! His phone is turned off right now, so is hers."

Well, of course!
I'm smarter than my brother after all.
I found his phone in the glove compartment and turned it off immediately.

"Just go to every place he's been for the last three days it's been turned on.
Why do I need to tell you how to do your job properly?"

Boy, I do not want to be Frank right now.

My father sounds downright murderous.
Meanwhile, I feel a little disappointment.
If they locate Soe-Joon's phone to the farm, he would be saved.

"Call me as soon as you find anything.
Anything, you hear me! I want to know the smallest detail!"

Then he hangs up.
There is a long silence.
And then my father lets out a string of curse words.

Did I ever hear my father curse?
He must really be loosing his shit.

I draw back into the room, closing the door silently.
Then I take out the last of my prepaid phones and dial the numbers quietly.
A second later, I hear the phone ring downstairs, faint enough for me to be assured my father would not hear me talk in here.

"Kwang-Sun Cheol speaking."

It's like another person is on the phone, his voice gentle, calm and composed.
It doesn't surprise me.

"Hello, dad," I greet in the exact copy of his tone of voice.
There is silence- then a long loosening breath before he speaks.

"Lian. Thank God. Where are you? I've been looking for you for two days!"

He actually has the audacity to sound relived to hear from me.

"I thought so. My brother hasn't told you he came for a visit?"

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