⫣38⫦ Son-In-Law

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The next day, I help my mother set the table with a nervous, fluttering stomach.

All day in school, I spend keeping up the ruse of the good girl with Momo, Nayeon and Tyuzu and then came up with a lie to meet the boys during lunch to go through the plan one more time.

When I got home, my mother was already in the kitchen, apron around her small waist and preparing various foods.
It looked like she's planning to invite the entire neighbourhood.

My father came home ten minutes ago and excused himself to get changed for our guest of honour.

I nearly drop the plate I'm holding when I think about all the things that could go wrong this evening, but I manage to calm down a little, reminding myself this is not BTS's first mission.

They are professionals.
I put my trust in them, and I know that no matter what happens tonight, they wont disappoint me.

The shrill sound of the doorbell pierces through the house and I'm glad I finished with the plates, because I might have actually let them fall to the ground, I'm that nervous- and excited.

Always excited when Taehyung is involved.

" I get it!" I shout to my mom before she even has the chance to take off her apron.

I basically run all the way to the front door and throw it open.

My mouth parts in surprise the moment my eyes fall on him.

He is wearing a grey suit, white shirt beneath and no glasses- only the styled back hair, parted in the middle.
He doesn't look one bit like the Taehyung I met, but no less stunning and beautiful.

The long sleeves of the suit cover his tattooed arm and he isn't wearing any earrings or piercings today- he looks just like someone from the world I grew up in- perfect, flawless and well-behaved.

At first, Taehyung is smiling, like he knew I would be the one to open for him, but then his eyes travel up and down my body, taking in my outfit- hand picked by my mother of course.

Bright pink fabric hugs my upper body and then opens up to fall to my knees in satin waves. Wrapped around my waist is a little pink bow and just the right amount of neckline- not too much to seem desperate and not high enough to be considered modest, revealing an elegant diamond necklace.

I feel like one big show off, with the pinned up hair and glittering earrings.
Taehyung seems to think the same.

Quietly enough no to be overheard, he says:
"You look like someone copy pasted you out of a fashion magazine.
Stunning, as always, but not really flattering your personality, if I might say so."

I grin wickedly as I step up to him, close enough that I only needed to whisper.

"But I guess none of those girls would have been naughty enough not to wear anything beneath?"

His eyes widen in surprise and glaze over with that hungry look as he unconsciously steps forward.

But before he can respond with an undoubtedly very dirty comment of his own, my mother appears in the hallway behind me and Taehyung glides away seamlessly.

"Mr. Lee!" her voice chirps happily.
"We are so glad you could make it. Lian has been so excited all day!"

It's like Taehyung was never there- only Lee Jae-min, as his entire posture changes:
straight back, plastered on fake smile, and keeping a respectable distance from me.

He looks past me at her now, replying in a polite, calm voice:
"I'm the one who should thank you for the invitation.
I've only ever done my job. But of course I couldn't refuse seeing Lian again.
You have a wonderful, brave daughter, Miss Cheol."

My mother steps forward with grace and the happiest smile I've seen on her face yet.

"Oh, please, call me Heejin," she says and offers him a bow.

He throws a brilliant smile back at her which show his white, perfect teeth.

"Then I insist on Jae-min too," he replies and bows too.

I do my best to stand there like I don't think this whole thing is absolutely hilarious and absurd.

If only my mother knew what her lovely Jae-min already did with her precious, little daughter!

She ushers both of us inside, managing to look both the calm, controlled hostess and the excited, hopeful mother.
She's stunning as usual in a beautiful white one piece suit, her hair travelling around the back of her head in perfect braids and the ruby shining red at her neck.
I have never seen my mother without it since my father gave it to her.

My father has finished changing and made his way to the counter in the kitchen, greeting the three of us with one of his broad, charming smiles that used to make me admire him, but now only makes me feel sick.
I see it for what it is now.
A mask to hide the monster beneath.

"Lee Jae-min. I'm glad to see you again."

He comes stalking over to Taehyung with confident steps and holds out a hand.

"I feel like I have to apologize for my behaviour the other day.
You see, my daughter had been missing for almost a whole day and I had gone crazy with worry. But I am really glad you've taken care of her so well.
Lian has only spoken well of you."

Taehyung takes my father's hand without a second of hesitation, but I could swear I see a tremor run through his body at their first touch.

I understand it only too well.

"No worries, Mr. Cheol. I completely understand.
If it had been me, I suppose my parents would have reacted exactly the same."

My father's brows shoot up in honest curiosity.

"Lian mentioned they owned a company?"

Taehyung waves it off, like it's no big deal, but then says:

"My father build up a small company when he was my age, investing into renewable energy and producing ideas and products from a little garage next to his parents house.
Now, he has twenty buildings in different locations in Korea, thousands of employees and is currently planning his expansion internationally.
I can only hope to achieve half as much as my father."

I stare at him with big eyes.
Since this is the first time I pretend to hear this story too, it wont make my parents suspicious.

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