⫣29⫦ Make it Right

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Uhhh, big spoiler alert for Heal Me upcoming!!!
Skip this chapter if you're the kind of person strong enough not to peak to see what will happen...

But also... *squeak* JIKOOK ❤️❤️


This is better then I could have ever hoped for.

At no point in my life had I ever expected to find myself in the midst of a raving crowd, drinking, smoking, surrounded by seven hot boys who seem to have only eyes for me as we dance and dance and dance.

I feel worshipped.
Queen of the world.

I share touches and hip swings with them all, but only Taehyung is allowed to come close enough to kiss me- to grind our bodies together like they are one.

And he does so a lot, shamefully so.
Not giving a crap who saw.

I might have felt uncomfortable doing this, but with BTS, nothing has ever felt wrong.

Eventually though, a feeling starts to rise to the surface- the feeling of something missing.
I cease my wild dancing for a moment and look around.
I don't need long to find the reason for it.

One is missing.

I turn to Taehyung who has his hands around my hips and his body pressed close against my back, kissing and licking my neck to the beat of the music.

"Where is JK?" I ask, for the first time using his nickname.

He looks down at me through hooded eyes, like he is barely here, lost in our touches and the music.

They clear as he shoots me a confused look and also starts searching for the missing member.

"He left," we hear a voice say behind us, and even though it's shouted to be heard over the loud music, I hear the quiet disappointment in it.
We turn to find Jimin, his eyes shadowed and an empty cup in his hand, like he just drowned it.

"Why?" I ask over the music.

Jimin only shakes his head, signalling that he either doesn't want to talk about it or doesn't know.
I take a deep breath in and out, making a decision.

"I'll find him."

I already turn away from Taehyung, but he grabs my hand, turning me around again.

"Maybe we should give him some space. I don't think he wants to talk to us about it."

I consider his response, but then just like Jimin, I shake my head.

"Maybe he can't talk to you guys about it because you are so close.
But maybe he'll want to talk to me.
This can't continue.
Let me at least try."

He looks at me long and thoughtful, and then nods his head.
Because he wants this problem to be resolved as well.
And because he will never stop me from trying anything.

I gift him with a nod and a smile, promising that I will do my best and then push my way through the crowd.

The entire garden of the mansion has been turned into one massive dance floor, a large pool filled with dancing, laughing people to the right and even an air castle build up on the left where people bounce up and down to the rhythm of the beat.

In the middle thrones a large lectern, painted in bright colors and two DJ's on top, headphones around their necks and hands raised to the crowed, urging them to go even wilder.
I look just in time to see a third making up his way to the top.
One of the DJ's turns around and greets the boy with a hug and a handshake.

I make out the green hair and the wide grin on his face as Suga is pulled to one of the DJ desks. People in the crowed seem to go wild at the first change of music as Suga's hands skillfully create a beat that has them shouting, moving their bodies faster and crazier.
I smile at the look of happiness on Suga's face.

I turn and continue towards the terrace and the open door leading into the house, hoping to be able to find JK in this massive, crowded place.
But I don't even make it one step through the door, before another hand grabs mine and I turn to find Jimin breathing heavily, like he hurried after me and thought he lost me in the crowed.

"Are you going to talk to JK about what happened last week at the party?"

I look into his sombre, vulnerable eyes and the flicker of hope shining through.
I nod my head in a yes.

His shoulders drop and he looks at the floor and my heart aches from seeing his sad and lost expression as he searches for words.
Then he looks up with a sigh.

"I don't think it will do any good. Something happened between us along time ago and JK- he..."

"I know," I interrupt his stammering and his eyes widen is surprise.

"You know?"

"Hwasa told me what happened with you two and X-EXO.
I know what they made JK do to you."

He looks lost for words for a moment, then his expression darkens.

"Then you understand why JK believes like he can never be with me, no matter how he might feel.
I tried to tell him that it wasn't his fault and that I have long forgiven him- he wasn't himself that day, I know that.
But he is stubborn and won't listen, no matter how much I beg him."

I stand there watching the pain in his eyes and then on an impulse, I pull him close and hug him.
I feel his body tense for a second and then his hands come around my back and he hugs me back, his body relaxing against mine.

I stroke his back in comforting circle and then quietly whisper in his ear.

"I can't even begin to understand what it must have been like for the two of you to go through all that. But if there is one thing you guys taught me, it's that you have to stop being afraid of yourself and accept the things for what they are."

I pull away and look into his eyes with a warm, gentle smile.
He stares back and then nods, a hopeful look in his eyes and I desperately hope I won't disappoint him.

"You might want to look for him upstairs somewhere.
He likes to hide in quiet places somewhere high when all gets too much for him."

And with that he gives me a little squeeze and turns back into the garden, being swallowed up by the dancing crowd in seconds.

Letting out a deep breath, I turn and start looking for the lost boy.

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