⫣65⫦ Freedom

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I throw my hands towards the sky and scream.

I feel free.
Finally spreading my wings again.

We decided to make a campfire and soak in the last warm days of late summer, drink in our hand, cigarette in the other and no care in the world but that we're having a good time.

Yoongi is playing sick beats behind a make-shift DJ-Set wile Hoseok dances wildly before him, both their smiles wide and beaming.

Jimin is pulling off some utterly sexy, alluring dance moves on a table, swinging his hips to the beat while JK stares up at him in a trance.
Like Jimin is the most beautiful thing he has ever laid eyes on.

Jin hollers to the song while he takes deep drags from the joint he is currently sharing with Namjoon, both of them laughing, no doubt at one of Jin's very bad dad-jokes.

Meanwhile, I am swimming on a high of happiness.
Of gratitude to be back here, back with them.
I don't think about the future.
I don't allow myself to think about the war ahead of us or what it will entail.

I live only in the here and now.

And here, is in Taehyung's arms.
In the arms of the boy I love as he helps me move my body to the rhythm of the music and I press close against him.

We become one.

Just us and BTS and the rest of the world can fuck off.

No matter what the future holds, no matter what will happen with my fathers trial or a war with X-EXO, none of it matters.

I am happy.
I am free.
I am drunk on the happiness life can offer.

I turn to Taehyung whose eyes are speaking of the same thrill.
The same unburdened happiness.
Despite the darkness which clouded both our lives.

With him by my side, nothing will ever feel impossible.

"I love you so damn much," I tell him over the music, but he hears them anyway, a smile blooming on his lips that is easily the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

"And I love you, my wicked, nasty, bad, bad girl," he answers and pulls me towards him.

I get lost in his kiss.

In the promise that this will be my life.






If only I had known then...
In this moment where the love of my life kissed me and danced with me, my family around me, happiness in their eyes.
If only I had known what would await us in the war to follow....

I'm glad I didn't.
I'm glad I knew a time where life was easy and simple.
Where I had no idea what price a war really cost.

I am not the same girl I was then.
I have killed.
I have lost a person I love.
I have sold my body to win a crown.

And now, sitting on the throne, I wish I could be back in that moment.
To dance and laugh and drink like there is no tomorrow.
No burden.
No darkness.
No knowledge that even freedom comes with a price.

And yet I would do it all over again.

For the boys I call my family.

For the man I now call my husband.

Because family is a choice.
And I chose right.

GUUYS! We made it to the end!

Honestly, I started this story early 2020, but I got distracted by other projects and just left it as a draft.
Then, one day, I stumbled across it again and decided to finish it.

Never would I have thought I'd make a tribology out of the Jikook side-line story, and that instead, this book kinda turned into the side-story book.

I hope you all had fun reading this story and are hyped for what is to come!

After this chapter, I'll be releasing Heal Me and it will take you through the past, present and future.

I purple you all my lovely army and see you soon.

(Ps: I might write a few extra chapters after I've published Heal Me.)


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