⫣16⫦ Dashing

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Hwasa disappears into the kitchen for a second and then comes back, holding two shot glasses filled with a colourless liquid in her hands.

"Care for a shot?"

I nod and take one of the glasses from her.

She shoots me a pleased smile and I don't look away from her as I hold up the glass to my lips and throw my head back.
The liquid burns my throat and I make a face.

Hwasa does the same and then grins.

"Tastes like shit, doesn't it? But just wait for the feeling it gives you."

I frown at her in confusion until I start to feel the warmth spreading in my stomach, like I had just drunk a piece of sunlight.
It makes my skin tingle and I let out a giggle.

Then there is the distinctive beep of numbers being typed into the front lock and both our heads turn to the door in time to see it swing open.

I nearly drop the glass still in my hand.

The boys walk in-

And if I thought they were handsome before, it's nothing compared to how they look now.

RM walks in first, a black cap obscuring half his face.

He wears dark blue jeans, a grey short-sleeved shirt and a black-red checked and frayed vest.
He looks even buffer than on the beach, standing tall and confident.
A leader, no one can deny it.

Next comes J-Hope, his brown hair styled back to reveal his forehead and wearing a black one piece adorned with black leather straps and belts in military style. He looks dangerous even as he shoots me one of his bright smiles that light up his entire face and the very air around him.

Jimin and Jungkook wear similar fashion, walking, as usual, side by side.

Their blouses seem to be made out of fine liquid, reflecting the light and tucked into dark trousers.
But where Jimin's is golden, Jungkook's is a deep blue.

One is a little, fallen angle with a white halo and sinful lips, and the other a tall, ridiculously handsome devil.

Jin follows close behind them, an arm draped around both of them, his purple hair also combed back, his lips shining glossy and totally kissable.
He wears a plain white shirt with a wide, deep neckline that shows off his collarbones and wide shoulders, paired with black leather pants.

Suga swaggers in as well, wearing ripped blue jeans, a white shirt that read:
"Fuck with me and I Fuck with you" and a leather jacket on top, adding to the dangerous aura.
He also wears a black cap, his green hair a shining contrast to it.

I'm about to open my mouth to tell them how dashing they look when Taehyung enters.

And then I can only stare.

He walks in with his hands buried inside black, ripped pants and fastened around his small waist with a black-silver belt.

On top he only wears a black tank top, tucked in his trousers.
That means I have a full view on those long, veiny arms and the tattoo that circle around his right arm.

It's a mass of edgy lines, like branches of a massive root, travelling up from his wrist all the way to the shoulders where they disappear under the shirt, but then reappear, peaking out from the collar up to his neck.

The top also dips to the sides under his arms and I gulp as I take notice of the shape of his ribs and indication of abs.
My gaze lifts up to his face and my breath catches.
He has a deep green Bandera wrapped around his forehead.

A few black curls of hair still fall to the front of his face, but the rest is styled back, falling to the back of his neck almost like a mullet.

But it's the way he looks at me that has my heart beating faster and my skin burning up from the inside.

His eyes are glowing with hunger and something even darker as they dip up and down my body unapologetically.

His look tells me that he loves the outfit- but would much rather just rip it off me.
Time seems to be frozen as we stare at each other.

That is until an amused, female chuckle appears close by my ear.

Hwasa's arms come around my naked stomach in a soft caress and she rests her chin on my shoulder.

"Do you see what I mean now, Lian?
You are so absolutely breathtaking that Taehyung can barely control himself."

Then she shoots him a wicked smile and dips her head into the space of my neck, whispering so quietly only I can hear.

"And tonight you will find out just how much power you can have over him."


Wanna know what I would look like?

Wanna know what I would look like?

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