⫣18⫦ Love, Alcohol and Cigarettes

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And now, after saying don't smoke: Here you go:


I let the adrenaline cursing though my body strengthen my legs and put on a hint of a smile even as my heart beats out of my chest in violent thuds.

I think back to my time with Hwasa and the things that made me so envious of her.

I let my shoulders drop, raise my chin and with long, graceful movements and a mean hip swing, I make my way to the counter.

The moment I lay my eyes on the boy behind the counter, I understand what RM had meant when he said he has a mind for strategy.

The boy is probably the same age as me with blond hair, pouty lips and the biggest, most adorable doe eyes I've ever seen on a man.
I figure this must be a part time job next to school or he simply looks extremely young for his age.

His gaze seems bored and the weight of his head rests on his hands as he leans over the counter, looking outside at some passing cars on the road.
The epitome of boredom.

With a sigh he turns towards me, like he expected just another boring costumer.

His mouth drops open and his eyes widen as I continue to make my way directly towards him without hesitation.

He truly looks like a deer caught in head-lights, standing still and wide eyed.

And then I no longer have to copy Hwasa-

Because it isn't her that makes this boy look as though he's seeing his wildest fantasies come to life.
It's me.

I am doing this to him, and the thrill is like none I've felt before.
I feel powerful and magnificent and I let it shine through that smile of mine.

I see his eyes rank down my body and then get stuck at my chest, before dipping down to my hips again.

I can see him try to reign his emotions when I come to a stop in front of him.
He finally manages to close his mouth and turns a deep shade of red.

"I.. emm, welcome. What c-can I do for you, m-miss?" he stammers in a surprisingly deep voice and I find him absolutely adorable.

I smile up at him from under my eyelashes and smile wider, even as I realize I have no idea what to say.
Damn- I should have probably thought of a cover story before I entered.
I guess I will just have to improvise.

"Hi there. I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm wondering if you're from around?"

He turns an even darker shade of red and I can see the slight tremor of his hands behind the counter.

"M-me? Ahh, yes, I'm from around here."

I don't dare to turn around and see if the boys have already entered behind me.
My sole concentration is on my target in front of me.

"Oh, what a relieve.
See, I am not from town and wanted to meet a friend here for a few days but I seem to have gotten completely lost.
I would use my phone to check where I am, but my battery died.
Could you help me out?"

The lie comes almost too easily over my lips.
The boy doesn't show the slightest bit of suspicion as he vigorously shakes his head.

"No- n-no problem. I'd love to help. Here," he says and pulls out a map from a stand next to the counter.
He almost drops it in the desperate attempt to open it, his hands trembling with his nervousness.

He reaches it over the counter with a shy smile.
I pretend to study it while I feel his eyes on me.

I look up with an apologetic frown.
He is too quick to look away, like a boy being caught having his hand stuck in his mother's cookie jar.

"I'm sorry, I'm terrible at this. Could you maybe show me where exactly I am?"

"O-of course," he immediately shoots back and makes his way out from behind the counter.
He keeps his distance, almost as if he's afraid of me.

"See, this is where you are," he explains and points at a little dot.
Wicked amusement glides through me as I take a deliberate step closer to him and innocently ask: "Here?"

I put my hand so close to his that it's but a hint of a touch.
I angle my body closer as well and hear him suck in a sharp breath.
He can't meet my eyes and keeps them on the map like his life depends on it.

I give him a fake address and he starts to explain the best route with a trembling voice.
That finally offers me the chance to turn around quickly and check what is going on behind me.

I only see the back of someone tall with black hair and a blue shirt, half hidden behind a shelf. Jungkook, no doubt.

J-Hope is, as instructed, on the phone, pretending to look at some magazines.

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