⫣36⫦ Pent up Anger

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An hour later, I'm tucked into a warm blanket on the living room sofa, a cup of hot tea and chicken noodle soup on the little modern table in front of me.

There has been a lot of fuzzing, my parents swirling around me to make me comfortable and asking me if I need anything else.

Finally they settle down on the sofa in front of me, and my father asks what exactly happened.

I sigh and start my perfectly fabricated story of a young girl, feeling guilty about what she said to her father.

I tell them how I walked to the bus stop and then suddenly felt this searing pain in my head and then nothing- until I woke up in the hospital.

I make sure there are no open questions.

I didn't have my school uniform with me because it was dirty and full with blood, so I asked the doctors to throw it away and lend some new clothes instead.
And I couldn't call because my phone was stolen with all my other belongings and I was so confused and dizzy, I couldn't remember my parents phone numbers, which is why I insisted on being brought straight home.

All the while, I watch my fathers worried face in utter disgust.

How can he live with himself, knowing that what apparently happened to me is nothing compared to what these girls experienced?

How can he keep looking at that little, tiny wound in complete horror when he must have seen the photos of the sex-workers, their faces almost unrecognizable under all the bruises and cuts and their twisted, naked bodies on sterile metal plates?

Does he think I'm worth more than them, just because their life forced them to sell their bodies while I was lucky enough to have been born into a wealthy, respectable family?

I nearly loose all control when he finally speaks, reassuring me that he would do anything to get the assailant to pay for what he has done.

For me, he will break all hell loose to make sure my attacker is punished, but those girls are expandable and worthless?

But instead I only nod, shooting him a little smile and thank him.

And even though I don't mean it, I feel a pang of hatred for myself by only speaking the words.

"By the way, that doctor Lee is a cute one, isn't he?"

My mother suddenly throws in and my head snaps to her in surprise.
I shrug my shoulders as nonchalantly as I can.

"I guess so. But you heard him, he's not a doctor yet."

"But he'll be one when he's finished with his internship, right?", she hums a little too enthusiastically.

I look to my father, who has gone quiet and contemplative.
A thought suddenly snaps into my head.
I turn to my mother with a small smile.

"I guess so. And I think he will be a very good one too.
You should have heard the other doctors compliment him.
He is one of their best, they said.
And he has been very concerned about me too."

It's like I just told her it's Christmas tomorrow, her eyes sparkling.
My father interrupts her then.

"It was very kind of him to drive you home personally.
But doesn't he drive a pretty expensive car for an intern?"

I see the suspicion in his eyes- and the hope.
Oh yes- I have laid out the bait and he just ate it.

"I asked him the same thing.
He only said that his parents own a large business and that it was a present for his eighteenth birthday."

"Oh, how wonderful!", my mother exclaims and I do my best not to roll my eyes.

"We should invite him and thank him properly for his generosity and saving our daughter, don't you think so, honey?"

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