⫣12⫦ Game on, bitches

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Three days.

Three days of pretending my life was the same when I knew deep down, it wasn't.

BTS held their promises, and Taehyung and Jungkook returned to ignored me, pretending like they didn't care about me at all.

I do my best to try and forget all that happened- with little success.

Every time I close my eyes, I can hear their cries of joy and laughter and see their lit up faces as they danced at the beach.
I remember the thrill and the excitement in my body as I jumped and stood on the roof of a driving car and missed it with a passion I can't explain.

I avoid my parents as best as I can, afraid they will see the change in me.
I go for long runs after school that do nothing to relieve the tension which build up in me.

In my dreams I am flying and dancing and nothing is holding me back.

That's why relieve floods through me when, on the fourth day, I see Jungkook and Taehyung enter the classroom with wide, up-to-no-good grins on their faces.

I sit in my usual seat next to Momo.

We met in front of the school, made our way to the classroom with our other friends, Tzuyu and Nayeon and took our seats for math class.

I meet their eyes.

For three days I told myself that Taehyung's game is nothing but cruel and stupid.
And for three days I tried to build up the courage to tell him that.
To not play along.

And it now vanishes like dust in the wind.

A dark, glorious feeling replaces it and I have to fight back the urge to grin widely:
Game on, bitches!

My heart speeds up and my fingers tickle with anticipation.

With a dark smile, they both come to a stop in front of Momo and my desk.
I see the challenge in Taehyung's eyes and know exactly what he's challenging me to do.

"What do you want?"

My voice is cold but trembles slightly- as if I'm afraid.

Momo shoots me a worried look but my eyes are only on the two boys as I play with my pen- as if I'm nervous.

I'm neither- I'm excited!

Jungkook speaks first.
Undoubtedly Taehyung long told him what this is all about.

"Why so scared, Lian?
Afraid we'll do something to you?"

I widen my eyes and make them skip between the two.

"No. I.. I just want nothing to do with you.
Please leave me alone."

Taehyung laughs and bends over my table, bringing his face close to mine.
I don't have to pretend the hitch in my breath.
It's always like that when he gets close.

"What if we don't want to?
You're such a sweet, little girl.
It's like you were made just for us to have some fun with."

I draw back with a sour expression- which is much harder than I expected, because my body still remembers how close we were the other day and how much I wanted him to be nearer.

"Please, I really don't want trouble. Just ignore me like you did the last two weeks."

Before Taehyung can say anything else, Mr. Cheng enters and asks for silence.
Taehyung shoots me a wink.

"Don't think this is over."

And then they both take their seat at the back.

Momo stares at me with huge eyes and so do Nayeon and Tyuzu who had turned around to watch the exchange too.
I sigh loudly and rub my head as if in pain.

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