⫣64⫦ Times Of War

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Little heads up:
This will ultimately contain spoilers for Heal Me, but it's also the introduction to the Jikook Trilogy.
Thing is with theses books, that each will contain spoilers for the other, it's unavoidable...

I wake up in the arms of the boy I love and somehow, everything is all right.

It doesn't matter that my father is a monster and that I might soon have to attend his trial.
Or that my mother is a vein, superficial woman who never truly loved me.
Not even the fact that my brother might currently be starving in a forgotten farmhouse in England can chase away the happiness.

I am home.
I am with my family.
And I have Taehyung by my side.

I would do it all over again.
Would choose BTS and Tae at every turn and never regret it.

I watch him now as the sun filters through the trailer window, his face thrown into a warm, morning glow.

It takes my breath away how beautiful he is.
How soft he looks in his sleep.
Younger and innocent.

We had stayed up long last night, talking in quiet whispers.
I told him about my time in England.
What it was like for me.
The loneliness and despair.
The nightmares and the pills.

He told me about how even though it was mostly acted, pretending to fall apart had ripped open old wounds in all of them and being apart had felt like loosing a part of himself.

Gently I reach out and tug a loose strand hair back from his face.
He doesn't wake and I just enjoy the view-

Until my stomach makes a sound so loud, it could wake the whole camp.
Only then do I become aware of it.

I am starving.

To be honest, I can't remember the last time I have eaten.
The last thing I can think of is a hastily bought sandwich at the airport in London.

Quietly and slowly, I push away the blanket and get out of bed.
I take the most comfortable clothes I can find from the pile that Hwasa left me.

It's a purple pullover and black pants.
But, since they are from Hwasa, the pullover comes with a plunging neckline and the black pants sit skin tight, even as the material is soft and comfortable.

I make a face when the door hinges creak and I look back to my sleeping boyfriend, but his breath is still even and slow.
So peaceful in sleep.

Hastily I slip out.

However, it's only as I step outside that I realize how early it has to be.
Judging by the just rising sun, it has to be around six.

So consider me surprised when I head towards the canopy and none other than Namjoon sits there, book in hand and smoking a cigarette.

His hair is wet, dripping and leads me to believe he just had a shower.

He turns to me with a smile that lights up his face.
Makes him look younger.

"Already awake? Would have thought you two slept till noon, considering the 'exercise' you two had last night."

I blush but still stick out my tongue.

"You're just jealous I'm getting some action. Anyway, why are you up so early?"

He just shrugs his shoulders.

"I am always up this early. Just got done with my exercise."

I blink.
"I didn't know you trained."

"I keep in shape."

I narrow my eyes in suspicion, raking my eyes up and down his body.
He definitely keeps in shape, but I have a feeling he's doing a lot more than that.

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