⫣31⫦ Lies and Reasons

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Let me give you a little tip: NEVER trust happy moments cause it usually means shit's about to hit the fan...


I open my eyes and blink into the rays of sunlight tingling on my face.

For a moment I don't know where I am as I look around me.

Then it all comes rushing back.

I sit up and look next to me, expecting Taehyung there, remembering how he tugged me into bed last night.

But he isn't there.
I'm alone.

One look at the watch over the bed tells me why.
It's already afternoon.
I slept for more than half a day!

My parents are probably going absolutely bonkers!

I look for my phone and then smack my hands on my face, realizing I've left it in the truck with all my other belongings.

Getting out of bed, I walk straight to the little bathroom.
But when I look and smell my clothes from the day before, I make a face and decide I'm definitely not going to wear them.

I walk back out and stand in the middle of the trailer for a while, just looking at the space in front of me.

Even though I desperately need to call my parents and get home eventually, I'm not ready to leave just yet.
A massive smile has started forming on my face the moment I remembered where I was, and it hasn't left.

I feel happy.

This is the life I want and no other.

I might still have to go home and deal with everything there, but I will never be the old Lian again, because I now know she was never me.

One month, I told the boys.
I meant it.

I will of course try to talk to my parents.
I will try and have them accept me for who I am.

But I've been raised by them- I know them better than I know myself.

And if there is one thing I'm absolutely certain about, it's that they will hate everything about the real me.
I'm the exact opposite of the person they raised.

The smile fades from my lips.

I'm going to hurt them- bad.
And I'll be hurting too- for a while.

And yet it's something I have to do.

Because this is My Time.
And it's my life.

I finally scurry into action, all the while wondering where Taehyung might have gone.
He's probably sitting outside with the boys.

And indeed, when I head to the little window facing the canopy, I can make out the distinct shape of seven boys sitting together on the terrace.

I smile and turn back around in excitement at heading out to them but my eyes catch a mirror I hadn't noticed yesterday.

I am still only wearing the grey shirt Taehyung gave me, and although I love the comfort of it, I'd rather not meet the other boys like this.

I head over to the little dresser, confident that Taehyung won't mind me helping myself to some of his clothes.

I actually find a pretty green blouse that must be pretty tight on Taehyung, because it fits me just fine, if not a bit long.
But the pants... none of them will fit.

I open the drawer beneath and start looking for a belt for the black shorts I went for.
I find a simple black one at the very bottom and pull it out.

It probably still looks a little big on me, but at least it wouldn't fall off my hips any more.

Just as I'm about to close the drawer again, something white catches my eyes.
A folder.

I know I probably shouldn't be snooping around, but something makes me pull it from it's hiding place at the very bottom.
I try not to grin as I imagined what exactly a teenage boy might be hiding in his drawer.
It must be porn for sure.

But when I open the cover, the grin falls from my face.
It's not porn.

It's a man.

And not just any man.

On the top corner of the first page, my father stares back at me.

I remember the day the picture was taken too.
We all got our passport photos that day- all dressed up in our fineries as we smiled for the camera.

My mind wont work as I try to find a reason for this to be here- in this trailer among Taehyung's things.

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