⫣25⫦ Junkyard

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I look at the massive black, rusty fence in front of me.

It took me three hours to find this place.
First I sneaked into the computer room at school and looked up every Junkyard in Guro-Gu.

There were five, but only four of them had working numbers and homepages.
The other one was only mentioned in an article from a few years ago, saying the owner died and the property was resold.

To whom, it didn't say, but I immediately knew it must be the place I was looking for.

Then it took me over an hour with the bus to get here.

It's safe to say I was one of the only ones in the bus, only sharing it with a stranger dressed in black, sleeping in the back.

I walk up to the massive black gate and take a look inside- only to find exactly what to expect of an abandoned Junkyard- nothing but rotting metal and junk, wasting away in the hot sun.

Overgrowth and weed already swallows up the lying around garbage and a massive wall of broken, crushed cars shoots up into the sky.
No matter how hard I shake at the gate though, it doesn't budge, so I walk around the entire place, looking for another way in.

There isn't one.
There is only the massive fence, then the stacks of cars, mocking me.

I end up at the gate again and hit it in frustration, letting out an angry scream.
I'd come this far, only to be stopped by some metal bars?
I don't think so!

Without thinking it over, I take off my backpack and use all my strength to throw it over the gate.
Then I start climbing.

The bars are slippery and don't offer much hold but I won't let it stop me.
I can't, the desperation burning through my body, cancelling out reasonable thought.

By the time I make it to the half-point, I'm sweating and my muscles are trembling but I push on nonetheless.

The sun burns my back and the top of my head, but I finally make it to the top.

Looking down I know that one slip will end up in broken bones and bruises.
I try not to think about as I make the descend, thankfully finding it much easier than climbing up.

I land on dusty, dry earth and breath heavily as I wipe the sweat from my forehead.

"You don't get to ignore me," I grind out through blazing nostrils, reminding myself of why I'm doing this.

I grab my backpack and start exploring the place.
I follow the stacked cars all the way to the left, only to reach a dead end.
Then I turn around and do the same on the right side.
That's when I find the cars.

Oh, I'm definitly at the right place.

It's not the SUV's or Pick-Up trucks or any other of the usual cars that gives it away.
It's the Porsche, Ferrari and the Tesla which can only belong to someone very rich- someone like J-Hope.

I grin and inspect them.

I have never been much of a car girl, but perhaps only because my mother finds it abhorrent for a girl to be interested in such manly hobbies.
But now that she is not here to reprimand me and no one else is judging me, I cannot help but admire the sleek build, the shiny exterior and leathery interior.

Utterly stunning.

But, I remind myself, I'm not here for cars, as awesome as they might be, so I begin my search, looking all around to find a door or a path that leads behind the wall of stacked cars.
Because if I have gained one thing from walking around this entire place, it's that it's definitely bigger than what I can see now.
A lot bigger.

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