⫣30⫦ Home

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"I really can't decide if you're the devil or an angel," Suga comments and takes a deep drag from the joint in his hand.

It's just turning bright, the morning announcing itself with the whistling of the birds and the lighting of the sky.

We left the party an hour ago and came back to the camp as RM likes to call it.
Not Junkyard, because that's just the front they want everyone to believe this place to be.

We are all perched on the terrace, spread out in the loungers and sofa's.

Since their kiss, Jungkook and Jimin have not been able to take their hands off each other and even now they share a sofa, Jimin's leg over Jungkook's and their hands locked together.

I've never seen them more content.

I myself am in my usual place between Taehyung's legs, his hands around my stomach and his chin resting on my shoulders.

Suga has put on some soothing music and we talk about this and that.
Our feelings, our hopes and dreams and what brings us the most joy.

Two joints are going around and my head is already buzzing, my thoughts blurring sweetly together.
I know it's called being high, but the happiness I'm feeling is only partly to the weed cursing through my body.

I feel safe- at home.

"One month," I suddenly say out of the blue and it earns me the confused looks of everyone.

"What's in a month?" Jin asks from his place on the lounger, a little dazed look fallen over his eyes.

I press myself a little more into Taehyung's heat even though the air is warm and promising another humid summer's day.

"My birthday. I'm turning eighteen."

"You want us to throw you a party?" RM asks with eyebrows raised in humour.

I smile at the thought, but it's not the reason for mentioning it.

"That would be so awesome. My first ever birthday party that doesn't involve nagging grown ups and pretending to be happy about receiving cards for an opera in freaking Italian."

There is a round of chuckle, but when I grow a bit more serious they stop.

"Actually," I start, not sure how to put it.

"I've decided to move out."

J-Hope breaks out into heavy coughing, having just taken a drag from the joint and the others shoot me startled gazes.

I speak before any of them have the chance to ask questions.

"I know my parents. And I know they'll never accept this- who I am.
I'll try explaining of course, but I don't see how that is going to change the outcome.
Don't worry, I'm not asking to stay here.
My parent's have put up a deposit for me that will legally be mine once I turn eighteen.
I can rent a flat or something and figure out what to do next.
But I can't stay with them.
No matter how much I love them, if they wont accept who I am, then I have to leave."

There is a long silence until Taehyung asks from behind me,
"Why don't you want to move here?"

"It's not that I don't want that.
Actually I can't imagine anything I would rather want. But," I explain, and look back at their expecting gazes.

I sigh, biting my lip in discomfort and let out the fear which has taken root in me some time ago.

"But what I told Joy is partly true.
My father is a powerful lawyer, and he's friends with some even more powerful people.
I'm sure he wont just let me go.
And if he finds out I'm staying here with you, you'll all be in trouble.
He'll make your life a living hell by using the law against you, and there is nothing I fear more than my father ruining this family."

As one they look at me, and as one they look away, like they can't stand me looking at them.
I blink in confusion.
This is not the reaction I thought I would get.

"What's wrong?" I ask when they still won't look at me.

RM is the first to let out a heavy breath and shoots me a look I can't decipher.

"We'll tell you tomorrow, okay? I think we're all pretty tired and should get some sleep."

"Tell me what?"

Jin rolls his eyes, like my constant curiosity is finally starting to get on his nerves, but I know that's not all of it.

"Tomorrow, Lian. Just be a little patient for once. Now, let's all get some rest."

He already stands, and waves a goodbye heading for the trailer to the very left.
I watch him go in confusion.

The others drag themselves out of their seats too and I wish them a good sleep, because there is nothing else I can do.
It doesn't escape my attention that Jimin and Jungkook enter a blue trailer together and I smile quietly to myself.

But the weird feeling in my stomach wont go away.
In the end, it's just me and Taehyung.
He has made no move to stand and his arms are still locked around my middle.

"What's going on, Taehyung?"

I just can't help myself.
He doesn't move, but he tightens his grip on me.
For a while we just sit like that, listening to the sound of the birds singing and watching the ever brightening sky.

SAVE ME  ||A Kim Taehyung Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now