⫣21⫦ A Past so Dark and Terrible

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Oh yes... oh yes, it's happening.

We get another Taehyung POV!

Wish I could say it's gonna be all rainbows and unicorns, but you know my stories...


Taehyung POV

It's already turning light as I drive into the Junkyard- my home.
Our home.

Usually, I am overcome by a sense of relieve and gratitude every time I drive through the massive, metal gates, but not today.

I have been driving all night, trying to get the fearful expression of Lian out of my head, but I just can't shake it.
Her widened eyes when she saw what was inside me- what I couldn't hide in time.

The trembling lips she had pressed into a thin line while she took another step away from me, so much fear in her eyes.
I feel like loosing her when I just found her.

At one point during the night, I simply parked the car and got out in the middle of nowhere and screamed at the sky.

It didn't help.
I still feel like a plaster has been ripped from a recently healing wound, bleeding again.

And then there are those damning words Hwasa had spoken...

The way the memories surfaced unwillingly and unstoppable at the mere mentioning of getting Lian hurt or even killed, reminding me of the way I met the boys.
When I was at my lowest, ready to end it all.

No more pain.
No more guilt.

And before I was able to push all of my despair and pain back into the box where it belongs, Lian came over and made him look up.

And she saw what lays under that bad boy she met and believed me to be.
Nothing but a broken boy who cannot escape his past, no matter how far I run or how well I hide.

I sigh and stare at the junkyard before me.
It looks like one and nothing more.

A large, rusty fence surrounds the entire perimeter, high enough to block everything behind it from sight, save for some rusty old cars stocked even higher as they decay in the heat and sun.
Only through the bars of the black gate can you catch a glimpse of the inside.

And what people saw was nothing more than junk.

A large row of stacked, crushed cars lines up parallel to the gate and the wall, obscuring the view to the back.
The lowest cars are already covered in weed, growing out of the skeletons of the old cars, nature taking back what was taken from it.
The cars on the very top are even higher than the wall itself and having long turned a rusty, fickle brown.
The grass is all but yellow and some patches covered with nothing but dirt, where oil or other substances made the earth barren.

I'm pretty sure that no one will ever expect anything else to lay behind.

The only thing they might wonder about, was the way the gate opened automatically, sliding open now by a mere click on my phone.
But I highly doubt the simple fact of an automatic gate will make anyone suspect of the truth this high fence and run down appearance hides.

I make my way inside, driving over the uneven terrain to the far left side, out of view of the gate where a little parking area is cleared.

Now... this is certainly something people would have questions about.

Twenty or more cars are neatly parked there, coming in all shapes and sizes- and definitely not junk, gleaming fresh and modern in the rising sun.

The several SUV's, Minivans and Convertibles might not attract too much attention- neither would the Pick-Up trucks or even the little Caravan.
But the bright red Porsche, the yellow Ferrari and the newest model of a Tesla in the same color as Jin's hair are most definitely not something that should be found in a place like this.

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