⫣3⫦- What It's Like To Be Bad

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I don't confront Taehyung about his lie, and he makes no move to talk to me again either.
So for a whole week, I just get to know my other classmates, spend some time with Momo and get used to the new environments.

My mind however, keeps going back to that first encounter, replaying it like it's on a loop and my attention in class strays too often to the back of the classroom.

The teachers don't seem to even take notice of Jungkook and Taehyung as they continuously show up late, play on their phones or sleep during class.

Not even Momo can tell me why the teachers don't bother.

"Guess they just see them as lost causes anyway", she simply replies, but the thought doesn't sit well with me.
It bugs me.

But even when I try to forget about them, I catch myself analysing them.
Trying to figure them out.
The two of them are always together, but I never see them during breaks.

"Oh, they usually meet up with Jimin in the alley where the school buildings meet and smoke or something.
And, you know, just doing bad guy stuff I guess," Momo told me when I finally had the guts to ask.

I try my best not to think about them and concentrate on school, but it seems I am even thinking of them when they were not around.

I don't know what it is- probably a mixture of curiosity and immeasurable stupidity, but the next day when I see Jungkook and Taehyung walk out the classroom during break, I follow them.

I go unnoticed in the mass of students milling around the halls, all dressed in the same uniforms, but thanks to their height, I can still make them out in the crowd.

I make sure I drop back a bit when they walk down a not so commonly used corridor, the amount of student's diminishing.

I wonder what the hell I'm thinking and why I am doing this.
It follows no logical sense!

And just as I decide this is beyond insane, I see them turn to the right and disappear into another hallway.

I really do blame it all on my stupid curiosity which overrides my logical brain.

I follow them and quickly realize that this is the way to the library.
I frowned, even as I keep following on silent feet.
I can no longer see them since I have to stay back, the halls almost empty.

But I know this is one way.

No one but the most diligent students went to the library during break time, so it's almost completely empty when I reach the door to it and step in.

I look around, breathing in the smell of old, leathery books, pretending to search for something specific while craning my head to all sides.
No... not suspicious at all.

But all I can see are some people quietly reading or listening to music with ear pods- just trying to get some peace and quiet.

Even at the far end of the large library, there is nothing but books starting to get dusty.

I like reading.
Especially those heroin books, though I keep those hidden from my mother.
She calls them 'trashy'.

I sigh as I reach a dead end, two lines of high stacked shelves of books surrounding me to either side and a large wall to the front.

My shoulders slouch.
I must have seen wrong- why would Taehyung and Jungkook go to the library of all places?

I turn, already cursing my stupid idea, when I let out a squeak of surprise.

Nearly as broad as the row itself, stands Taehyung, smiling at me with a winning grin.

The dim light of the library throws shadows in his face, making him appear intimidating and dark.
He is alone, no sign of Jungkook as he stares at me, his one shoulder leaning carelessly against a bookshelf.

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