⫣35⫦ Act of a Lifetime

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"Are you ready?" Taehyung asks as he parks the car in front of our house.

I take a deep steadying breath.
The closer we drew to the house, the less sure I felt.

Could I really look into my fathers eyes without feeling sick?
Without breaking?

I don't know and the thought is driving me crazy.

I look over at Taehyung behind the drivers seat of the fancy BMW.

He is already looking at me and when he sees my expression a flicker of understanding crosses his face.

"If you feel like you can't come up with something, just tell them you still feel confused, and I'll take over."

"You've done this before?"
I ask while my stomach is one nervous mess.

"What? Going undercover? You could probably pick any random occupation right now, and I bet I've played it."

My eyes have gone wide, but I don't doubt his words.

He leans over the centre console, bringing his face close to mine.
The glow in them makes me forget everything for a moment.

"I've impersonated a policeman on several occasions- taught me a good deal about how to use handcuffs. I would just love to show you on occasion.
And I look good in uniform too."

My mouth dries at the words and the image it conjures up.
As if on instinct, I lean into him.

But before I can reach him he pulls away like something burned him and looks past me towards the front door.
My head snaps around too and it's worse than I thought as I see my father step out.

He's the same.
He looks just like when I last saw him- maybe a bit more worn out and paler than usual, but as always dressed in a fine suit, polished shoes and styled hair.

Only now I can't get the photos of the beaten and killed women out of my head.

His fault.
His selfish wish for power and riches.

"It looks like he's going to the car, Lian.
He's probably off to another police station.
We have to get out now. "

I look into the empty space in front of me for a second, trying to gather all my courage and store away my feelings and finally nod, making a decision.

All or nothing.
Now or never.
I open the car door.

Taehyung is at my side before I make it one step on the pavement, lending me a helping hand- just like a concerned doctor would.

We reach the gate just before my dad makes it into his black, shiny Cadillac.

"Dad!" I call out, the word tasting like acid in my mouth.

His head snaps around so fast and I'm sure he must have broken something.
His eyes land on me and I see them widen as he stares at me through the white metal bars of our gate.

Then they narrow and I've never seen such a dark look on my father's face.
The face of a man I don't know.
It would have taken a step back if Taehyung wasn't still holding me.

Hate floods me.
Hate so deep, I never thought I'd be capable of.

"Lian! Where the hell have you been?
Do you have any idea how worried me and your mother were?"

As if on cue, the front door opens and my mothers face comes into view.

I've never seen her anything but perfect- until now.
Her blonde hair is down and falling messily into her face.
Her make-up shows traces of smudges, like she has been crying.
Only the dress, lilac and skin tight is the proof she usually holds herself with a lot of grace.

She screams out the moment she sees me, rushing out the door.

The two of them meet halfway to the gate on the little path leading from the fence to the main door.
For a moment the world slows down and I can see the world split in two.

One moment they are my well versed, noble and honest parents, raising a child with only the best intentions and hopes for her future.

And then I see the monster behind the curtains of that little happy family.
Someone who allowed and supported men to hurt, rape and kill other peoples daughters- other young girls, some not older than me.

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