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    The sharp sirens kept ringing in Gayan's head.

    The crowd that had been crowded around suddenly scattered and fled in panic. Soon there was a vacuum where Gayan was standing.

    Gayan didn't move, and the system fell silent.

    After a long while, the system opened its mouth and said: [You are finished. ]

    Jiayang's footsteps were also a little heavy.

    He never thought it would be so fast. He thought it would be tricky, and was even prepared for anything to happen. But the only thing he didn't expect was that it would be so fast.

    Just two and a half hours.

    [It can be seen how much the hero cares about you, the knife you stabbed back then must have left a deep memory on him. ]


    A huge light locked on Jia Yang's body, it was a laser gun that could smash people into pieces with one shot. At this time, countless laser guns were aimed at Jia Yang's body.

    Soldiers in dark green uniforms gradually formed a line and surrounded Gayan.

    At this time, the entire hall was silent, and the passengers had already been evacuated from the front hall. The rest are the staff in the hall in front of Aiyaxing's mooring port.

    All the staff watched in fear, and no one dared to say a word.

    【What are you going to do? 】The system asked.

    【run. 】

    The system let out an 'oh', and then said: 【Then you go on, I'm here to shout for you. ]

    Jiayang directly blocked the system.

    Then he looked at the Union soldiers surrounding him, calculating the possibility of his escape.

    He knew his hopes were slim.

    After all, even if he is skilled, it is impossible to be faster than the laser gun.

    The chances of him being able to escape are barely 0.001.

    But even if there is only a 0.001 chance, he still has to find a way to try. Otherwise, it would be really cold to be caught by the hero.

    Thinking of this, Jia Yang's blue eyes darkened slightly.

    Those federal soldiers didn't move at all, they just pointed their laser guns at Gayan coldly. It seemed that as long as he moved, he would be shot mercilessly.

    If no one approached, then Gayan's melee combat would have no effect.

    This made Jia Yang's heart sink a little bit.

    At this time, a man in a black military uniform slowly walked out from the group of soldiers.

    Gayan knew him, he was one of the generals of the male faction, and his name was Luo Lin.

    Luo Lin's face was not bad, but he was quite serious and cold.

    At this time, he stared at Jia Yang expressionlessly, and said coldly: "Long time no see, Major Jia Yang."

    Everyone knew about the violent betrayal back then.

    As one of the most powerful subordinates of the hero, Luo Lin naturally knows it well.

    Gayan didn't speak.

    The other party didn't mean to talk too much, he signaled the people behind him to go up and handcuff Gayan. It was this opportunity that Jiayan was waiting for. He felt he could catch the opponent and took the opportunity to move to the next service desk.

    This is his only chance to fight back and escape.

    But before Jiayang was ready, he heard a gunshot pass by.

    In the next second, Jia Yang felt a sudden numbness in his calf, and then he half-kneeled on the ground uncontrollably.

    When he looked down, he realized that he had been shot in the leg, and the blood instantly soaked that piece of pants.

    It hurts, it hurts very much.

    Jia Yang's face turned pale, and beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.

    Luo Lin put away the laser gun with an indifferent expression, and explained calmly: "The general said that you can take one of your legs back home, so you can be quiet. But don't worry, there will be a special doctor for you after you board the starship." Treatment."

    Gayan's face turned pale.

    In addition to the pain, there is also a cold all over the body. After feeling that his hands were being handcuffed, Jiayang knew that it was impossible to escape.

    It seems that he can only try to think of other ways.

    Jia Yang thought dizzily with his aching head.

    The system was also stunned. It has been with Jia Yang as the host for so long, and it has never seen him so embarrassed. It thought that Jia Yang had dealt cruelly to the male lead, but who would have thought that the male lead was even more ruthless than him.


    While thinking, the system ate a piece of popcorn.

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