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    The atmosphere was very dead.

    It was as silent as a cold Dead Sea.

    Only Xuan Bingjian, who didn't know anything, was still happily circling around Hong Bingjian.

    Hong Bingjian didn't move at all, it was still suspended in mid-air and pointed at Jia Yang.

    It exudes a bitter chill all over, coupled with the huge rainbow-like sword intent, it is unbearable to even take a look at it. It also has a dark blue stone buckled on its hilt.

    But unlike the Xuanbing Sword, it is more thorough and colder.

    It was as if it had just been taken out of the deep pool of ten thousand years.

    Jia Yang looked at Qi Yuan on the opposite side, and after a long time, he moved his lips and called out his name: "... Qi Yuan."

    Qi Yuan looked at Jia Yang, his eyes were as quiet as a dry well for thousands of years.


    As soon as Jia Yang opened his mouth, he felt a strong crisis in an instant.

    Relying on his intuition, Jia Yang quickly moved away from that position. As expected, when he turned his head to look, he found that his previous position had exploded.

    Even the mountain behind him had cracks.

    Obviously, if Jiayang hadn't run fast just now, he might be dead by now.

    Jia Yang stared blankly at Qi Yuan.

    It seems that he didn't expect that the male protagonist has already started before he said anything at the beginning of the world.

    The situation was obvious, and Xi Yuan didn't seem to want to hear any explanation from him.


    "If you win, I will allow you to leave, if you lose, you will die here." Qi Yuan looked at Jia Yang and said calmly.

    Jiayang: "..."

    This time Jiayang understood that things seemed to be much more serious than the previous two worlds.

    Looking at Qi Yuan's eyes that were as unwavering as the dead sea, Jia Yang couldn't help but feel cold from head to toe.

    He understands that this world may be a disaster for him.

    [Is the hero mad? Why does it feel a bit wrong, he seems to really want to kill you here. 】

    Jayang couldn't say a word, because he had already felt it.

    Even deeper than the system feels.

    [But this is the real male lead. 】The system said happily: 【Great, it seems that there is really a problem with the male protagonists in the first two worlds, and now they are finally back. ]

    For a moment, Jiayang thought to himself that you might as well just stop breaking up.

    Jiayang didn't speak, and Xiyuan didn't feel annoyed at all.

    After a few seconds or so, the Hongbing Sword, which had been suspended in mid-air, rushed towards Jia Yang——

    Qiyuan's natal Hongbing Sword is not something anyone can resist, if this blow hits Jia Yang Absolutely dead or disabled.

    Xuan Bingjian was dumbfounded.

    Although it didn't know what happened, it instinctively quickly withstood the blow for its master.

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