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    Eros' gaze was very penetrating, looking at those eyes, Gayan didn't know what to say for a while.

    After a long while, Gayan, who came to his senses, opened his mouth and said: "It's not...it's just a childhood problem, don't think too much about it."

    Eros gave an 'hmm' and didn't say anything else.

    After that, the atmosphere became a little dull.

    Jiayang wanted to say something several times, but he didn't know what to say when he got to his mouth, and finally shut up.

    In this way, the two of them kept the atmosphere until they returned to the general's mansion.

    Gayan looked at the face of Eros, a little uncertain what Eros was thinking at this moment. Is he thinking about what happened just now? Otherwise, why have you kept silent.

    But Jiayang didn't know how to speak, after all, this topic was really embarrassing.

    Jia Yang sighed, if he had known earlier, he would not have resisted.

    It was too early to finish the smoking, and the provincial Eros came and saw that scene, which brought back a lot of bad memories.


    Gayan and Eros are divided into two study rooms. Although they are husband and wife, they are the top leaders of the two factions after all, so some family confidential documents still need to be separated.

    This is the so-called distinction between public and private.

    After Eros came back, he went to the study, as if something happened temporarily.

    And Jia Yang also had a small meeting to hold, because this meeting was not too important, so Jia Yang didn't bother to go to the study, and held the meeting directly in the bedroom.

    When Eros came back from the study, what he saw was Gayan, with his legs crossed on the coffee table and his whole body leisurely leaning on the sofa for a meeting.

    When Gayan saw Eros come back, he said, "Pour me a glass of water."

    Those officers who were having a meeting with Gayan thought that the major general was ordering a servant, so they didn't care.

    But when General Eros appeared in the projection with a water cup, everyone froze suddenly, and all of them were petrified.

    Jia Yang didn't care about the shock of his subordinates. After drinking the water, he said to them: "Do you have anything else? I'll shut it down if nothing else." The

    officers: "...It's gone."

    Jia Yang: " OK, goodbye then."

    The officers: "Goodbye, major general."

    When they said goodbye, Jiayang had already slipped off the communication.

    He retracted his feet and was about to chat with Eros about the topic just now, so as to untie the knot in his heart, and then make an affectionate confession and tell him that he doesn't mind everything about you before.

    Who would have thought that Eros would suddenly take off his military jacket in front of him.

    He looked at Gayan and said, "Come?"

    Gayan looked at Eros silently.

    Eros also looked at Gayan.

    About five minutes later, Jia Yang coldly put the water glass on the coffee table, then took off his coat with a blank expression and went to bed.

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