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In the next few days, Jiayang was forced to bind with the black wolf.

In the middle, Jiayang tried many ways to leave, but all of them were discovered by the black wolf without any accident.

Once the black wolf really got angry.

Kayan was almost killed.

Jia Yang had no choice but to stop thinking about leaving, and planned to stay with it for a while.

However, Jia Yang always felt that this black wolf had such a familiar feeling.

But I can't tell.

Jia Yang thought of the male lead several times, but shouldn't he think about it?

How can there be such a coincidence.

[By the way, this is a male wolf, right? 】Jayan asked the system while walking behind the black wolf.

【right. ]

[It seems to be very persistent with me. 】Jayan pondered.

[Think about it, maybe it just wants to raise a child bride. ]


Before Jiayang and the system started to scold, the black wolf who was resting at the side suddenly grabbed Jiayang with his claws.

Kayan froze.

He knew the black wolf had started again.

I don't know that it was the retribution of doing too many "bad things" before, that Jiayang fell into this painful situation.

Hei Lang pressed Jia Yang seriously.

It buried its head on Gayan's chest and rubbed it, and then began to press on Gayan's small bump again.

Occasionally lick it.

Gayan closed his eyes and pretended not to see.

After a while, Hei Lang gradually stopped playing with Gayan's belly.

It motioned Gayan to stand up.

Gayan didn't know what the black wolf was going to do, so he stood up slowly in doubt.

And the moment he stood up -

the black wolf slapped down with a paw.

Jiayang: [...]

The black wolf and Jiayang under his paws looked at each other. After the two wolves looked at each other for a long while, the black wolf let go of Jiayang again.

This time it pushed Jayan with its paw.

Gayan was a little dazed.

It took a tentative step, but the black wolf didn't respond.

So when Jiayang finally got a little more courageous and started to take big steps, he was slapped down by the black wolf again.

[I'm a fucking idiot! 】Gayang finally couldn't bear it anymore, and cursed in his heart.

Heilang brought Gayan back to his original position again, and then motioned him to move on.


This time Jiayang didn't move, just squatted on the spot and looked at the black wolf coldly.

Hei Lang was not displeased to see Jia Yang not moving.

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