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    Jiayang felt that such a big kitten should not have been weaned for long.

    So it should be breastfeeding.

    Even if it is weaned, it should be instinct for cats to suck milk, right?

    Who would have thought that after Jiayang was delivered to the mouth of the little black cat, the little black cat would not eat at all and kept hiding.

    In the end, he slapped his paw away.

    Jia Yang wondered: "Don't you like to drink milk?" Seeing that it was very happy to lick it this afternoon!

    The little black cat stood still.

    Seeing it like this, Jiayang had no choice but to force it, but fell into his palm.

    Sure enough, the little black cat moved away this time.

    It came to the palm of Jayan's hand and began to lick it.

    "What's wrong." Jiayang said helplessly.

    When the family over there saw the young man feeding the cat with milk, they felt a little envious and pained for a while.

    After all, even people can't afford milk now.

    But things don't belong to them, so it's hard for them to say anything.

    After the little black cat finishes drinking.

    Jia Yang leaned against the wall, hugged it in his arms, and murmured while stroking the cat, "I don't know when 0321 will come back."

    Because there was a cat in his arms, Jia Yang didn't shy away from it. .

    But the pupils of the little black cat, Mao Mao, suddenly deepened after hearing these words.

    "This world is really confused."

    It has to be said that Jing Yi's action really confused Jia Yang. He can't go, and he can't go.

    Having said that, I don't know if it was Gayan's illusion.

    He always felt that Jing Yi gave him a strange feeling.

    Although the male lead in each world is the same, and the words are all cold, but the personality is still slightly different due to the environmental factors of each world.

    For example, Tai Yan is a little more scheming.

    So smart that you can't play tricks with him. But that's right, he is the emperor after all.

    And it was the emperor who killed all his brothers at a young age.

    You can't play tricks with him.

    As for Xi Yuan, who was born in the realm of comprehension, he prefers to crush you with his strength, and beats you until he refuses to accept it.

    And Eros...

    Speaking of Eros, Gayan's face changed a little bit.

    He didn't know what happened to Eros after he left.

    To continue living with the child, or something else.

    Jayan never asked, and the system never said.

    Thinking of this, Jia Yang frowned, and only hoped that the hero in the first world could live a good life when he didn't have deep feelings for him.

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