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Gayan was taken aback.

Then, he was moved to the front by the owner of that hand.

At this time, Gu Qi had already sat up from the medical cabin, and when he opened his eyes, he immediately lost the harmlessness that he was wearing just now.

That pair of abyss-like black eyes stared at Jia Yang, and there was a chilling ice in the eyes.

This was the first time Jiayang saw the male lead show such eyes to him.

Strange and full of coldness.



It was the look in the male lead's eyes when he saw others before, as if looking at a dead person without any warmth or ripples.

It makes people feel an indescribable sense of oppression from the inside.

But at this time, the hero also looked at Jia Yang with this look.

He didn't recognize himself.

This was the first thought that came to Kayan's mind.

It stands to reason that Jiayang should feel happy, but somehow there is an indescribable complexity in his heart.

[The male protagonist's brain seems to be damaged, which may lead to mental problems, you have to be careful. ] At this moment, the system suddenly spoke.

【What? ]

[My data shows that he seems to have lost most of his memory, so he may not remember you either, so you have to be mentally prepared. ]

Lost memory?

Kayan was a little taken aback.

How could Gu Qi be injured so badly? What the hell happened to him before?

But that's not the most important thing right now.

Most of Jia Yang's body was hanging in the air, and Gu Qi's ice-like fingers were locked from his armpit to his chest. This posture made people feel a little uncomfortable.

So Jiayang's front paws subconsciously shook, and he kicked his legs.

Gu Qi stared at the white wolf in his hand without any emotion. After a long while, he slowly said, "Wolf cub?"

The voice was cold and deep, without any ups and downs.

That ice-like voice made people shiver uncontrollably.

Kayan naturally didn't speak.

Gu Qi continued to hold back the white wolf cub in his hand.

The cold fingertips cling to the soft fluff, and Gu Qi's fingers twirled slightly due to the delicate touch.

But only a little bit.

There is almost no difference from not moving, so Gayan didn't notice it.

The atmosphere gradually stagnated.

Jia Yang looked at Gu Qi in front of him, wondering why he was still holding him like this since Gu Qi had lost his memory.

In fact, Gu Qi didn't know either.

He just instinctively grabbed this little wolf cub that came from nowhere.

When he realized it, he already had the wolf cub in his hand.

Gu Qi was also slightly surprised by this subconscious instinctive movement of the body.

[Quick Travel] The Villain's Whitewashing MethodWhere stories live. Discover now