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    It seemed that he was afraid that Jia Yang would dislike him, so the new system quickly added: [Maybe it’s because I just came here and I’m not used to the environment, after two days I’ve rested and it’s running faster! 】

    Jayang: 【...All right. ]

    After that, Gayan lay on the bed.

    One of his legs was slightly bent, seemingly comfortable, but he was walking God.

    The current Jiayanke is different from the previous one. After the system said that sentence, he became vigilant.

    Although this is the modern world, the chance of accidents is very low, but when is it not?

    And it may not be possible to put it on other male protagonists.

    But he, the male protagonist...

    Gayan felt that he could no longer underestimate the enemy.

    Once you underestimate the enemy, you are putting yourself in danger.

    Although death should not happen, it is definitely a long-term confinement. For others, confinement may be just confinement, but for Gayan, it is simply death.

    Jia Yang felt that the possibility of this possibility was very high, especially for Tai Yan who already had this criminal record.

    Thinking of this, Jia Yang immediately sat up and said to his new system: [Help me check my body for any power fluctuations that do not belong to me, even if it is subtle. ]

    This is easy to say.

    The new system quickly responded and then scanned Jiayang several times back and forth, saying: [No abnormalities were found. ]

    Jiayang: [Have you checked carefully? 】

    The system said: 【Check carefully, don't worry host. ]

    Hearing the system's resolute tone, Jia Yang was immediately relieved.

    His eyes flickered slightly.

    There is no abnormality in his body now, so there are only two possibilities, either he has not had time to do it, or the problem will occur when he is about to leave this world.

    making him unable to walk.

    Jia Yang slightly pursed his lips and thought about countermeasures.

    Although he is guessing all this right now, it is always right to take precautions.

    [Help me strengthen the soul protection barrier. 】Jayang said.

    【Eh? Why, host? The host soul protection in your male main line is ten times stronger than other lines. ] I am a little confused about the new system, and feel that Gayan is wasting points.

    [You can just reinforce it, don't ask. 】

    The connection between the system and the host is like the relationship between a person who jumps into the sea and the rope tied around his waist. Once any danger occurs, he can be pulled out of this world in an instant.

    And the strength of the soul protection barrier of the hero's main line is equivalent to turning the rope into an iron chain. If Jiayang strengthens it again, then this soul protection barrier will be invincible!

    Even if there is anything abnormal about the hero, Jia Yang doesn't have to worry anymore.

    [Okay, the soul protection reinforcement points are five thousand. ]

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