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    Inside Luo Yinfeng Cave Mansion.

    Jiayan was lying on the bed and fast asleep.

    He slept very deeply, probably because he felt that the bed he was lying on was inexplicably familiar, and Gayan's long and thick eyelashes trembled from time to time.

    As if struggling to wake up.

    But in the end, he couldn't resist the drowsiness, and fell asleep again.

    Qi Yuan sat on the edge of the bed and watched Jia Yang, his hands would gently stroke Jia Yang's face from time to time.

    The slender fingers with well-articulated bones stroked Jia Yang's cheeks, and those dark eyes were dark, unable to see through any emotions inside.

    It may be that he was often touched like this in the past two months, so Jiayang, who was asleep, didn't feel unaccustomed, and he didn't even move his eyelids.

    I slept very soundly.

    But if he was being harassed all the time, Jiayang would dodge in dissatisfaction, and subconsciously raised his foot to kick.

    Qi Yuan grabbed the foot Jia Yang kicked over.

    Gayan in his sleep frowned dissatisfied when he felt that the 'thing' that harassed him not only didn't drive away, but even put his feet in it and couldn't be pulled back. He smoked again, and found that he still couldn't get it back, so he gave it up.

    After finding a slightly more comfortable position, he continued to sleep deeply.

    Qi Yuan looked at Kayana's feet, which were still wearing white stockings, and slowly took off the white stockings.

    Gayan didn't notice it and continued to sleep.

    In this way, Jiayang has been sleeping for a full five hours.

    During this period, Xi Yuan sat on the edge of the bed.

    He just kept looking at Jiayang like this, and it seemed that there was no room for anything else in his dark eyes.

    When Jiayang finally woke up, he first looked at the familiar cave roof with some doubts. With his brain still not completely clear, he wondered in a daze, isn't he in the hall? Why did he wake up and still be in the cave of Luo Yinfeng?

    Could it be that he was dreaming?

    Gayan felt a little regretful for a moment. Just when he was about to continue closing his eyes, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

    He turned his head to look, and found Xi Yuan sitting beside his bed.

    "Qiyuan?" Jia Yang was slightly taken aback.


    "You..." Just as Jia Yang wanted to say why you were sitting here, a black cloth suddenly covered his eyes, and then he couldn't see anything.

    Before Jiayang's heart 'thumped' and thought what was going on, the next second he felt a coldness on his lips.

    Qi Yuan started with a light kiss, and finally gradually turned into a deep kiss and a stormy bite.

    As if to devour Gayan.

    Gayan was taken aback, he didn't know what happened, but he didn't hide or resist. After all, he is a big man, so the bite can still be tolerated.

    It's just that his brain is a little confused.

    It wasn't until a few seconds later that Gayan's brain gradually became clear.

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