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    Thankfully, the wedding didn't take too long, and the most complicated ceremony was over and nothing happened.

    In the floating car, Jia Yang crossed his legs and looked out the window leisurely.

    The bustling noise outside was still loud and deafening.

    Eros was sitting next to him at this time, holding some documents and materials in his hands. Because there is a half-month honeymoon period after marriage, some slightly more important things need to be dealt with in advance.

    Although he has dealt with most of it before.

    But there is one more point.

    But not much, dispensable, in fact, do not deal with anywhere.

    Gayan glanced at him, and suddenly coughed lightly: "Eros."


    "Do you remember the agreement we made before?" Gayan reminded ambiguously, he was worried that Eros would change his mind on the spur of the moment .


    Because the front and rear seats of the suspension car are separated, they are not afraid of being heard by the driver in front.

    After hearing Eros' answer, the corners of Gayan's mouth raised slightly.

    He said: "Don't go back on your word."

    "Don't go back on your word."

    After getting a firm guarantee again, Jia Yang was happy.

    He continued to look at the scenery outside the car window leisurely, his eyes obviously curved in a pleasant arc.

    Gayan was thinking about what to do at night and what posture to use.

    Tut tut.

    The more I think about it, the more excited I get.

    If you think about it this way, it seems that marrying the male protagonist is not too much of a disadvantage.

    Eros saw that Gayan was only looking out the window by himself and didn't intend to talk to himself, so his fingertips paused slightly.

    Then he narrowed the look in his eyes, and continued to deal with the documents in his hands that didn't really attract his attention.


    The suspension car soon arrived at the general's mansion of Eros.

    The mansions of several major generals are basically the same, except for the slightly different decoration and layout inside. Gayan is quite familiar with the Eros family, after all, he often came here when he was a teenager.

    Although I have experienced many worlds later, these memories are somewhat blurred, but I still remember some.

    After seeing Jia Yang, the butler smiled and said, "Master Jia Yang."

    Jia Yang responded.

    "General, dinner is ready." The butler said to Eros.

    Eros looked at Gayan.

    Jia Yang shrugged his shoulders and said, "Eat first." Only after eating will he have strength.

    After hearing this, Eros said to the housekeeper, "Get ready."

    The housekeeper immediately smiled and said, "Yes."

    [How is my health now? ]

    [Except for a slight hunger state, there is no problem in other aspects of the body. 】The system seemed to be tossing something while saying this. A second later, a beeping sound suddenly sounded in Jia Yang's mind.

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