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    At this time, at the foot of Luoyin Peak.

    Qiyuan's junior brother in Tsing Yi was standing outside the restriction of Luo Yin Peak surrounded by clouds and mists with a sad face, continuing to send the message letter in his hand persistently.

    He has been passing it on for more than half a month, but it is a pity that it is of no use at all.

    I don't know how many layers of restrictions there are in Luo Yinfeng, the big brother. It took him half a month to break through one layer with great difficulty, only to find that there are still restrictions inside!

    And he felt that there seemed to be more than one layer.

    This can't help but make him dumbfounded and scalp numb.

    He didn't know what Eldest Brother was doing with so many restrictions under his Luo Yin Peak, so that he couldn't even send in the text messages.

    Could it be that the elder brother got some kind of natural and earthly treasure, he was afraid of being coveted by people with bad intentions, so he put so many restrictions to prevent anyone from entering?

    The more I think about it, the more I feel that it should be this possibility. After all, the whole Guiyuanzong has been to many secret places by the elder brother. But there are many opportunities in the secret realm, and it is not uncommon to get any treasure.

    So while thinking, he manipulated Feihe to try to send a message in.

    And this time, without a doubt, it still failed.

    He breathed a sigh of relief, gritted his teeth and stood up, then walked towards the foot of Luoyin Peak.

    After he got out, he walked up to the middle-aged man in cassock who had been standing there with his hands behind his back, waiting for him.

    "I'm sorry, Sect Master Qing Dao. Eldest brother must be practicing in seclusion, so he couldn't receive my message. You've been waiting here to no avail. You might as well go back." Junior Brother Tsing Yi said apologetically into his eyes.

    Hearing this sentence, although the monk who had been showing worry and solemnity had already guessed it, his heart still sank.

    He looked at the second junior brother of Qiyuan in front of him, and once again dropped his face and said in a low voice: "Please report again, Your Excellency, I came here this time for my unworthy apprentice, please."

    And this person is none other than Jia Yang's master Yushui Sect Master.

    His age looks about the same as that of Guiyuan Sect Master, and he also has a middle-aged face in his forties, which shows that Shouyuan is at least six hundred years old.

    It may be that he has been the suzerain all the year round, so his temperament tends to be serious and rigid. But facing Qi Yuan, a Jindan stage junior, it can be said that his attitude is very good.

    There is no airs of the transformation stage at all.

    That's right, even if his cultivation level is much higher than that of the Guiyuanzong inner disciples in front of him, their Yushuizong is a subordinate sect of Guiyuanzong after all. Not to mention that Jia Yang offended Gui Yuanzong badly.

    Now he can only try his best to put aside his face to plead for mercy for his unworthy apprentice.

    After all, it was a master-student relationship, and he couldn't just watch his first apprentice disappear like this.

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