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    Jia Yang was dumbfounded by the male lead, and all the expressions and lines he had prepared before were useless at this moment.

    No matter how fast Jiayang's brains were turned, they were all stuck at this time.

    It wasn't until he finished his dinner in a trance, lying on his familiar bed and watching the bed curtain fluttering in front of him because of the wind, that he finally realized it.

    【How are you? 】The system asked Gayan who was in a daze.

    [It's okay...]

    Gayan frowned, and he continued to read the strategy cheats and quotations that he exchanged from the villain next door in his mind.

    While watching, Jiayang murmured: 【That’s right. 】

    Jayan walked in strict accordance with the above-mentioned ones.

    It stands to reason that as long as the hero likes him, then there will be absolutely no problem if he walks like this. If the hero doesn't like it, it's easier.

    After all, according to what happened between the two of them, the hero will definitely feel guilty and uncomfortable after learning the truth.

    And I have a suitable reason for not showing up in the past two years, that is, I was poisoned, and I don't want him to know that he blames himself.

    Look at yourself, how considerate and faithful!

    In the end, he was still arrested, and so many things happened.

    I was also lucky by him...

    No matter how you look at it, the hero shouldn't have reacted like this.

    [After all, you are not the professional host of the Danmei Line next door, maybe your emotions are not full enough, so you failed to stimulate the emotions of the hero. ] The system analyzed.

    Gayan was silent and did not answer.

    The system was actually a bit depressed, it sighed listlessly, and then rolled back to the depths of its mind to be sad.

    Although Gayan was rescued, he did not enter the system prison.

    But if it is the Danmei line, it will still have to go to court in the end.

    Think about the system and feel miserable.

    And Jia Yang was still thinking, until he heard a familiar footstep slowly walking towards him, Jia Yang's heartbeat accelerated a little bit.

    The person who came was naturally none other than the male protagonist.

    Tai Yan came in with a bowl of decoction. After he came in, he sat by the bed, and then said to Jia Yang, "Drink the medicine."

    Jia Yang was silent.

    Tai Yan didn't mind Jia Yang's indifference at all. He picked up the spoon and stirred it, and after seeing that it had cooled down a bit, he filled a spoonful and handed it to Gayan's mouth.

    Jia Yang looked at Tai Yan, his eyes flashed suddenly.

    Then, he took a deep breath, and with a 'snap', he smashed the spoon and the bowl to the ground.

    The sound of the medicine bowl breaking was very crisp, but no one outside dared to come in.

    As if he knew this was going to happen.

    The atmosphere in the bedroom suddenly became tense.

    Jia Yang lowered his head and said in a hoarse voice, "I want to go home."

[Quick Travel] The Villain's Whitewashing MethodWhere stories live. Discover now