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    It should be raining outside, and the clothes on display are slightly wet.

    Some rainwater dripped onto the floor.

    At this moment, he was looking at Gayan with a complicated expression.

    Especially when he saw the chain that locked Jiayang, a trace of pain and discomfort flashed in his eyes.     Chen Lie looked straight into Jia Yang 's

    eyes and said, "Ja Yang, tell me, have you ever done anything to offend the boss?


Didn't you come back to sneak attack on the boss?"


    To be honest, Jia Yang didn't know why Chen Lie was asking these questions, but he knew that if Jing Yi came back, both of them would be ruined.

    He had just finished a 'big battle' with great difficulty, and he didn't want to be dragged to bed again before he had a lot of rest.

    Even dragging her to bed is fine, for fear of being fed milk again.

    If he drank any more, he would really vomit.

    So Jia Yang said: "You should hurry up—eh? What are you doing?"

    At this time, Chen Lie had already stepped forward, and he directly took out the pliers he had prepared earlier to break the chain that locked Jia Yang's ankle.

    Jiayang: "..."

    "I'll rescue you." Chen Lie said.

    Kayan was startled.

    He didn't expect that this man really planned to rescue him.

    He thought he was joking.

    So Jia Yang came back to his senses and hurriedly stopped him: "Cough, no need, you can leave now. If Jing Yi comes back later, you won't be able to leave even if you want to." Chen Lie paused when he heard the

    boss's name, Then he gritted his teeth, raised his head and said to Jia Yang: "If you did something wrong to the boss, I won't care what happened to you today.

    But you were treated like this by the boss without doing anything. I am your brother, so I can't pretend that I didn't see it. Jia

    Yang was a little dazed when he heard this.

    He looked at the exhibition in front of him, and was moved for a moment.

    This is loyalty!

    [As a villain brother, words of loyalty will usually end badly .] The system said leisurely.


    But what the system said is correct, even though he has already cleared his identity as a villain. But judging from the current situation, if Jing Yi comes back, Chen Lie may really want to play It's over.

    The current Jing Yi really can't be offended by anyone.

    Jia Yang doesn't even dare to offend him.

    "You don't need to save me, I did it voluntarily. "Jayang persuaded.

    "How could it be voluntary? ! Can any man bear being locked in a room? And chained up? I know you are worried about hurting me, but I must rescue you today. "Chen Lie looked at Jia Yang firmly.

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