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    Listening to the chatter of the system, Gayan was very upset.

    If he had known this earlier, he shouldn't have agreed to take up this task, because now he knew that no matter what he did, he would die.


    at least at that time, death was just a happy death, and now I don't know how to torture him when it falls into the hands of the hero.

    "Major General, do you want some water?"

    Gayan nodded, he was very thirsty now.

    Immediately afterwards, the other party fed him a little water, and after Jia Yang finished drinking, he said to Jia Yang with a complicated expression: "Then, Major General, I'm leaving first, if you have anything, you can call me."

    Jiayang: "Thank you."

    The other party shook his head, and then left the detention room with the dinner plate.

    Jia Yang lowered his eyes and looked at the ground, feeling very heavy in his heart.

    The current situation is really not good for him. Looking at it now, his father won't care about him anymore.

    According to the normal trajectory, the villain's family will naturally end up in the same way.

    The current timeline of this world is one year after he escaped, and during this year, his family must have been revenged by the hero.

    So, his father would never care about him.

    Now all he can count on is to struggle with the fact that he sent a message to ask the hero's subordinates to save him, to see if the hero can spare his life.

    The system has partnered with Jia Yang for so many years, and it knows almost everything Jia Yang thinks. It pondered for a while, and then said: [But according to my experience, I think you are a little nervous. 】

    【What? ]

    [Your chance of survival, I think it's a little hanging. Have you forgotten what those words you said to the male lead back then? ] While speaking, the system ate a piece of popcorn.

    Jiayang was silent, and then he thought about it carefully, and then his face turned ugly for a moment.

    [Your original words at the time were: 'Do you know why I did this? Because you shouldn't like her, I like Bella, so you can die here. ']


    [Do you know what happens to a woman who misses the hero? Not to mention you stabbed him and shot him. Even if there are difficulties, I guess it is still very difficult. 】

    Bena is the fiancée preselected by the male protagonist's family.

    It happened that Jia Yang couldn't find any other excuses at the time, and then he suddenly thought that in this kind of plot, isn't the villain's second villain betraying the hero because he likes the heroine? So Gayan said that.

    Sure enough, the effect is undoubtedly huge.

    When he stabbed the male lead, the male lead's face didn't change much, but he was a little dazed. But after he said that sentence, his expression suddenly changed, becoming very cold and frightening.

    Looking at it, Jiayang felt a little chills down his spine.

    Sure enough, no man can bear others thinking about his wife.

    Jia Yang was silent for three seconds, and then said: [You still press me, can I live for a few days? You take all my current points and pressure me to live for five days. I'll figure out a way to live for five days and see if I can earn more points, maybe enough for me to buy a resurrection potion. 】

    The system was silent for a while, and then said: 【There is a future. 】

    Gayang gradually couldn't hold it anymore, and his consciousness gradually became a little chaotic. At this moment, the system suddenly said: [No, it seems that someone is watching you. ]

    Jia Yang said weakly: 【This is the detention room, and the starship has an automatic surveillance system. ]

    [No... It seems that it's not just the surveillance system on this starship. 】The system said.

    But Jia Yang didn't have the calm head to analyze it anymore, and Jia Yang had completely passed out when the system was thinking about it.

    The slightly long eyelashes like a small fan drooped slightly, and the eyelashes were wet with the sweat just now. At this moment, Jiayang looked very pitiful.

    Seeing that Jia Yang couldn't hold on any longer, the system didn't call him, but disappeared into the depths of Jia Yang's brain. *

    How many wormholes the starship has jumped, Gayan doesn't know, because he didn't feel it at all.

    From this, we can see how advanced this starship is, and it doesn't even have the fluctuation of passing through the wormhole.

    Of course, it may also be because Gayan is really too tired.

    Until Jia Yang was taken off the starship, Jia Yang looked at Luo Lin next to him and wanted to ask him about the hero. So that he was at least mentally prepared.

    But before he could open his mouth, he felt a needle prick the back of his neck.

    Then Kayan passed out.

    Before he passed out, Jia Yang only had time to say "fuck" before he passed out completely.

    And when he woke up again, he found himself locked in the torture room of the military headquarters.

    Jia Yang: "..."

    [Something is wrong. 】The system said.

    Jia Yang closed his eyes: [Let’s take one step at a time. ]

    [Come on, I've already pressed for you, try to live for five days, so that the points you earn are enough for you to buy a resurrection potion. ]

    [...Damn it, try your best. ]

    [ Ten points will be deducted for swearing. 】

    【? ? ? 】

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