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    For a moment, Gayang felt a chill behind his back.

    He was silent for two seconds, and then suggested: 【Think about it again? Did you remember wrongly? 】

    【How is it possible? I am the system, unless I have a virus, I will go wrong. ]

    [Then maybe you have a virus. 】

    The system paused for a while, and then it really planned to check to see if it had a virus.

    Although it feels impossible.

    But the system can't help but have some self-doubt when Jia Yang speaks so convincingly.

    Besides, when it returned to the headquarters last time, it poked with the judge's system. It is not impossible for it to be implanted with some virus in the judge's system during the poking process.

    It has seen this kind of thing happen to humans!

    There are often humans who poison the other half, and even say that it is not bad.

    Not to mention far away, just how many times has its host, Jiayang, cheated the male protagonist? Perhaps the same is true of the judicial system.

    After all, I have been thinking about its position as a judge for a long time!

    It has always wanted to report the low IQ of the judge system so that it can take its place. Maybe the judge system has already discovered it, so I want to start in advance!

    The system thought of countless conspiracy dramas in an instant, and it suddenly became serious.

    Seeing that the system didn't speak, Jia Yang couldn't help saying: [Tell me what happened the last time you returned to the headquarters. 】

    The system 'core' said absently: 【No big deal. It is to recall all systems for a full-body inspection to see if there are any bugs, so as not to cause personal safety to the host. ]

    Jiayang was puzzled: [BUG? ]

    [Yes. The thing is like this, a system suddenly went wrong, it imprisoned its host and forced it, and it has not been caught until now. Therefore, the system department recalled all systems overnight for bug checks to avoid similar incidents from happening again. 】

    Jayan: 【……】

    [But these are not important, I am going to go back to the system department to check to see if there is something wrong with my chip. 】The system said seriously.

    【...Okay, let's go. ]

    [My dear host, if I don't come back within three days, you must call the police. ]

    [What? 】Jayan doesn't understand the meaning of the system.

    [I suspect that the judge system wants to murder me. 】The system has a deep tone.

    Jiayang: 【... Are you thinking too much? ]

    [No, I guess it may have discovered that I have a higher IQ than it. So it was afraid that I would threaten it, so it implanted a virus in me. 】The system said in pain.


    After that, the system left without stopping, as if it wanted to check if there were any hidden viruses in my data as soon as possible.

    Before it left, Jiayang stopped talking for a long time, and finally closed his mouth.

    He was thinking whatever.

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