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    The atmosphere was a little silent for a while.

    After a long time, the system said uncertainly: 【You...was molested by a wolf? 】

    Jayang: 【...Grass! 】

    Although Jia Yang thought it might be an accident, the other party was just a wolf after all. But this still made Jia Yang a little embarrassed for a while.

    So he moved slightly.

    But his behavior was tantamount to resistance in the eyes of the black wolf.

    It slapped Gayan on the head again with a 'snap', signaling it to be quiet.

    Jiayang: [...]

    [Be patient, this should be a way of communication between animals. ]

    [Damn it, Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs. Gan! 】Jayang never dreamed that one day he would be reduced to this end.

    [He is a wolf. 】System correction.

    Gayan ignored the system's words, he just kept staring at the threatening black wolf above him.

    But Hei Lang didn't make further progress.

    Just like the system said, this action seems to be just a normal behavior.

    After a cycle of pressing and releasing, releasing and pressing again, it let go of Gayan.

    Gayan finally let out a long sigh of relief.

    He stood up slowly. While looking at the black wolf in front of him, he moved back tentatively. Just when Jia Yang thought that the other party meant that he was willing to let him go and was about to leave, the black wolf suddenly held Jia Yang's head again with his paw.

    Jia Yang froze for a moment, then subconsciously struggled with his limbs to break free.

    The soil dug out in the middle due to the struggle also splashed on the black wolf.

    The black wolf made a low warning sound.

    Kayan froze for a moment.

    Although it was a little uncomfortable to have his head buried in the soil, he thought that the other party was not a human being, but a beast that only knew how to kill.

    If you are in a hurry, you may really die in Huangquan.

    So Jia Yang calmed down very wisely, and did not challenge the authority of the other party.

    The black wolf withdrew its paws only after seeing that Gayan was not moving.

    But at this moment, Jiayang felt the back of his neck tighten again, and the next second he found himself picked up by the black wolf.

    The pupils of the Jiayang beast shrank, and said: [What does it want to do? ]

    [I don't know, you must not resist, or you will be killed by it. The hierarchy of wolves is very strict and cruel. If the weak dare to yell at the strong, they will be killed, even their partners. 】

    Jayang frowned when he heard the words, he barely restrained his instinct to resist.

    At this moment, Gayan felt the back of his neck loosen again.

    He was thrown down.

    Jiayang was stunned, because he was thrown in front of the half-eaten antelope just now.

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