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    The system spoke happily, but Jia Yang didn't feel happy at all.

    Instead, I feel a little chilly.

    When he received the mission to return to the previous world, Jiayang knew that the success rate of this mission was very low. But he never thought that this mission has no success rate at all, and the longest number of days he lived has not exceeded thirty days!

    Think about it when he first came back to this world, the system and other systems started betting on whether he could survive three days.

    Now that I think about it carefully, the system is not joking at all, but it has determined that Gayan will not survive three days.

    It is enough to show how high the fatality rate of this task is.

    If it wasn't for Eros' crush on him, and what he said was wrongly matched.

    I'm afraid he is also an ending now.

    Jia Yang's eyes dimmed.

    Therefore, he must not let Eros find out, even if he gritted his teeth, he must continue to lie.

    "Master Jiayang."

    At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the front.

    Gayan recovered his senses and looked up and found that it was the housekeeper.

    The housekeeper looked at Jia Yang politely, and said: "Master Jia Yang, the kitchen has prepared some lunches suitable for you to eat now. Master, no, the general said that you might go downstairs, so the lunch has already been prepared, do you want to eat lunch now or ?"

    Jia Yang was surprised, and then said: "Now."

    The housekeeper nodded and smiled slightly: "Okay, Master Jia Yang."

    Lunch is still Jia Yang's favorite Chinese food. But because he just listened to the words of the system, Jia Yang was not very interested and a little absent-minded.

    After eating almost, I went upstairs.

    After returning to the bedroom, Gayan saw Eros, and Eros asked him which planet he would spend his honeymoon on?

    Gayan had no opinion on this, so he just said something casually. Anyway, it's the same for him wherever he goes.

    After Eros made arrangements, Gayan sat on the sofa. Muttering in his mouth: "I like Eros, I like Eros."

    System: [? ? What are you doing? 】

    Jayang said with a heavy face: 【I'm brainwashing myself. 】

    【? 】

    【I can control myself not to say the wrong thing when I am awake, but I can't control when I am unconscious. I don't want to be decapitated because of a dream talk one day. 】

    Although he has no habit of talking in his sleep, he still has to guard against it. Gayan never overlooks a single small detail.

    The system looked at Jia Yang in bewilderment, thinking that this is also possible?

    And this is what Eros saw when he returned to the bedroom.

    He was talking about something, and there was a drawing board on his lap, and he was drawing and writing something on it with his right hand.

    But when he got a little closer, he realized that it was a sketch with no obvious drawing on it, and his name was next to it. Although the painting does not know what it is, the words are written very chicly.

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