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    Gayan was simply overjoyed.

    How can all this be related to him?

    Fortunately, he turned into a wolf and was still by Gu Qi's side, otherwise he would be blamed again.

    And it's the kind that even jumping into the Yellow River can't wash it off.

    After all, he does have a lot of criminal records.

    Patriarch Oran's face instantly became ugly when he heard these words.

    Although he thinks that Jiayang should not do this, but as an A, he is under the pressure of Gu Qi who is also A, so maybe he will really hate him and do such a thing.

    He subconsciously looked at Gu Qi.

    Gu Qi's expression was flat, without any change in expression.

    But Patriarch Oran didn't know exactly what Gu Qi was thinking, so he was worried and anxious for a while.

    He was very afraid that Gu Qi really believed Noel's words.

    Also worried that Gayan really did it.

    At the same time, the trapped nobles at the banquet looked at each other in blank dismay.

    Then a duke came out, and he said to Noel, "I don't know what His Highness Noel means?"

    Seeing someone coming out to ask, Noel looked around the crowd coldly, and said, "Today The royal family wants to arrest the criminal Gu Qi who rebelled against the empire and killed more than a dozen members of the royal family, I hope everyone can understand what to do and what not to do." This

    can be said to be a naked threat.

    The nobles looked at each other again, and then all looked at Gu Qina.

    Gu Qi's expression was still indifferent, which made the nobles not sure what Gu Qi was thinking for a while.

    Therefore, no one dared to stand in line rashly.

    No, there are still people.

    Just like Patriarch Oran. After looking at the crowd, he stood up first, and said, "Your Highness Noel, wouldn't it be good for you to make such a big fuss at the wedding? If Marshal Guqi is really guilty, it should be handed over to the military court instead of lynching." .”

    Actually, he didn’t want to stand up, but he couldn’t help it.

    Now Noel's words involved Gayan, so even if he didn't want to stand up, he had to stand up.

    After all, Gayan represents the Oran family.

    If Jiayang was misunderstood, then the Oran family was misunderstood.

    And because the marriage between the Oran Family and the Marshal's Mansion was released before, the Oran Family has now been labeled as the Marshal's Mansion. If he doesn't stand up now, I'm afraid that neither side will be able to please.

    So he could only grit his teeth and take the lead on Gu Qi's side.

    It means that Gayan didn't join forces with him.

    【Your uncle is so miserable. 】Since adopting Jiayang, I have been living in trembling every day, which is so pitiful.

    Gayan ignored the system.

    He just raised his head and glanced in Noel's direction, and couldn't help but sigh.

    It is said that the villain of the hero's main line is the most killable among all world line tasks.

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