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    [Too bad luck. 】The system gnawed at the apple unhappily.

    Jia Yang didn't think so.

    He guarded for a long time, and he didn't even dare to eat anything, for fear of any accident.

    In the end, an accident still came to the door.

    【Where are you going? 】The system couldn't help but feel a little puzzled when Jia Yang ran in the opposite direction to the Dongyu Maple Forest Secret Realm.

    There seems to be no secret place to hide in front.

    In addition, Jiayang's whereabouts are now exposed, as long as he follows the trace of his breath, Jiayang can't hide.

    [Use the concealment technique after ten minutes. 】Jayan didn't answer the system's words, but just said so.

    【ha? 】

    Jayang ignored the doubts of the system, and continued to run forward using escapism.

    Run very fast.

    Because of the escape technique, Gayan left that place very quickly, and went far, far away.

    After waiting for about ten minutes, the system used the concealment technique on Jia Yang.

    The use time of the concealment technique is only five seconds, and during this period, all breaths and traces will be covered up. It will be revealed after five seconds.

    And the points for using the concealment technique are one thousand.

    Jia Yang quickly climbed over several mountain peaks in these five seconds. When the five seconds were up, Jia Yang still ran forward.

    After running for almost five minutes, Jia Yang stopped and ran back quickly.

    This set of operations confused the system, and the system said: [What are you doing? ]

    Jia Yang did not answer, but ran back to the place where the aura disappeared using the concealment technique before and said: 【Continue to use the concealment technique. 】

    Although there are many doubts, the system still uses the concealment technique.

    It took a while for the system to understand what Gayan was doing.

    Jia Yang is overlapping the traces of his own back and forth, so that others will not know that Jia Yang is back, and think that he has been walking forward.

    When he reached a certain intersection, Jia Yang said: [Continue to use. 】

    The system spent 3,000 points in less than half an hour, and the heart was bleeding.

    But still used it for him.

    And Jia Yang calculated the distance from this fork in the road to the Dongyu Maple Forest Secret Realm using the escape technique. When the concealment technique disappeared at the last second, Jia Yang finally got into the secret realm without any danger.

    "Huh." Gayan leaned on the ground, panting exhaustedly.

    The system was very happy and said: [Awesome, now no one knows that you actually returned the same way and hid in the Dongyu Fenglin secret realm. 】

    Gayan didn't speak, still panting heavily.

    After he was almost rested, he walked towards the secret realm.

    If nothing else happened, he estimated that he would have been hiding here for ten years. As long as he can escape successfully, it will be worth spending three thousand points all at once.

[Quick Travel] The Villain's Whitewashing MethodWhere stories live. Discover now