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    Hearing these words, Gayan, who was in deep pain and almost fainted, woke up instantly.

    He looked at Eros with a pale face.

    Already drenched in sweat, he looked extremely embarrassed.

    【Do you want to say it? Otherwise, it may be too late. 】The system said to Gayan.

    Gayan didn't answer because his mind was buzzing right now.

    The voice of the system talking to him seemed to be far away in the sky, and the whole person seemed to be stupid.

    And Luo Lin here didn't dare to say any more after hearing the general's words.

    Because he knew very well that once the general made any decision, there was basically no possibility of changing his mind.

    So he only took one last look at Gayan who was lying on the ground, and then slowly backed out.

    The door of the torture room was closed again, and the sound of closing made Jia Yang's heartbeat reach a peak. The pain seemed to be gone at this moment, and Jiayang's mind was blank at this moment.

    Eros sitting on the chair stared at Gayan on the ground.

    His pair of light gray pupils showed no emotion at all, and it was hard to see what he was thinking at the moment.

    But in Jiayang's view, those eyes without the slightest emotion gave him a chill down his spine.

    Because of being watched by those eyes, Jia Yang's originally chaotic brain gradually became clearer.

    Eros just looked at Gayan like that for a while.

    Then, Eros suddenly got up slowly.

    He slowly came to Gayan's side, and then squatted down halfway.

    He stared at Gayan's pale face, and said in a tone that could not detect any emotion: "I remember that when you were in the military academy, your torture course was always the first. Is that right, Gayan." Greeting

    Eros With the frightening gaze in his eyes, Jia Yang couldn't move a single point as if being stared at by a poisonous snake.

    He quickly looked away, and then said anxiously to the system in a hoarse voice: 【The code...how much is it? ]

    He knew that if he didn't say anything, it would really be over.

    Gayan knew that the torture potion injected by Eros just now was the lowest in the torture department.

    But even so, Jiayang was in so much pain that he was dying, not to mention the strange box of medicine that Luo Lin brought in just now.

    He knew that if it dragged on, it would really be gone.

    After hearing Jia Yang's words, the system asked in confusion: [Code? You ask me what I do, don't you know it yourself? 】

    Jayang clenched his palms tightly to stay awake.

    He said hoarsely with a weak voice: [I can't remember clearly, I'm using all my energy to stay awake now, and I don't remember the code anymore. ]

    The system fell silent.

    Gayan looked at the silent system. He seemed to have thought of something, and his body froze instantly: [Don't tell me you didn't remember? ! ]

    The system was a little embarrassed: [I was eating popcorn at the time...]

    Jia Yang: [...]

    Jia Yang calmed down for two seconds before finally recovering, and he raised his head to look at Eros again. Before he could open his mouth, Eros said in a deep and calm voice: "I'm still distracted at this moment, who are you thinking about? Beina? Huh?" Gayan

    felt something bad for a moment, and he was just about to answer no ——In

    the next second, a slight tingling pain came from the arm, followed by pain like bursting blood all over the body.

    Nerves seemed to be torn, and all bones seemed to be crushed.

    Gayan couldn't help but clenched Eros's arm and screamed for a moment.

    And it's a continuous screaming sound!

    The expressions of the people outside changed, and the one with the ugliest expression belonged to Major Allen who wanted to go in before. He looked at the tightly closed torture room for a few seconds, then quickly stood up and went out.

    The officers headed by Luo Lin and others did not stop him, but let him go out.

    After going out, Allen hurriedly reported the incident to his superior, and asked him to tell the general what happened in the torture room at this time.

    But after sending the message, there has been no reply.

    Alan didn't get an answer until three minutes later. It read: The general said not to interfere.

    Allen looked at the message with a complicated expression for a few seconds, then put away the communicator with a sigh, and went back to the torture room.

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