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    [If... If I go down, what is the hope of surviving? 】Jayan spoke hoarsely to the system.

    [The probability is zero. 】The system said.

    Although he could have guessed it a long time ago, Jia Yang's heart still froze for a moment.

    If he was in good health and in a healthy state, even if the outside was surrounded by Zerg, he was 30% sure to find a way to survive.

    But now his body can barely stand still is a good thing.

    Eros really hated him.

    He didn't give himself and him any room for repentance.

    [Please help me test, according to Eros's personality, what is the probability of regretting at the last second. 】

    【Zero. 】

    Gayan closed his eyes.

    It seems that the hero's woman is really untouchable.

    Eros stared at Gayan's face, as if returning to that time a year ago. It is also this place, and it is also full of Zerg and Gayan.

    He covered the wound with bloody hands dazedly, then watched Jia Yang turn and leave without looking back after smashing his mecha.

    So decisive.

    He seemed to be unable to hear anything, and just stared at the shadow that gradually disappeared into the sky.

    The blood from the wound continued to flow out.

    Eros knew that although the communication system of the mech was shattered, the protection and medical systems were still there. But he didn't go, he just silently watched his blood flow on the ground little by little.

    Until the Zerg that was injured before followed the breath and chased them again.

    Eros was still looking at the ground.

    He could feel the pain of the flesh and blood being torn apart again, but the image and voice that appeared in front of Eros's eyes was always Gayan looking at him and saying, 'Because of Bena. '




    The Zerg continued to slam into the ship, and the outside of the floor-to-ceiling windows was already stained with a little blood of the Zerg.

    The battleship seemed to be approaching land, and the impact of those Zergs became more and more intense.

    Jia Yang's heart trembled, and he was thinking of various ways in his mind.

    Eros stared at Gayan's eyebrows and eyes, then he moved closer to Gayan and whispered in his ear: "If you die, I will send Bena down to accompany you." After speaking, he moved his hand away

    . Go to the red button next to it.

    As long as Eros presses the button, the floor-to-ceiling window Gayan is leaning against will be opened, and then instantly fall down.

    【warn! According to the current situation of the host, the success rate of completing the task has dropped to 10%! If it is reduced to one percent, the task will be automatically judged to have failed. 】

    Jayan's heart beat faster and faster.

    【Can you do it? How about I try to see if I can credit you with a resurrection potion. But it comes at a high price. ]

    [Wait a minute. ]

    [Huh? 】The system doesn't understand what Gayan means.

    Gayan didn't intend to say more to the system.

    He raised his pale face to Eros.

    Eros also stared at Gayan, those light gray eyes as deep as an ancient pool were so dark that there seemed to be no light at all, like an endless abyss.

    "I hope you can come back alive." Eros said to Gayan.

    Just when Eros was about to press the red button, Gayan spoke. He said hoarsely, "Since you hate me so much, why didn't you kill me yourself."

    Eros' eyes remained unchanged.

    He stared at Jia Yang's blue eyes that seemed to have lost their light, and said in a tone that could not hear any emotion: "Do you regret it?"

    After asking Jia Yang, he did not regret his previous behavior.

    The system looked at this scene in bewilderment. Does this mean there is room for maneuver?

    Then, Gayan replied with an unexpected answer.

    He said: "I don't regret it."

    After hearing this answer, Eros' eyes darkened, and the deep eyes shone with a chilling coldness. After a while, he looked at Jia Yang and said, "Yes, for the man I love, I really can't regret it."

    Jia Yang also twitched his lips.

    He said hoarsely, "Because if I don't, you'll never...not notice me."

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