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    At this time, Jia Yang in the upstairs bedroom was staring at the chain on his ankle in a daze.

    The system commented: [This chain can't be pulled no matter what, and it can seal up your abilities and strength. It can be seen that it is not an ordinary iron chain. The hero seems to have wanted to do this a long time ago. 】

    Jayang looked at the iron chain on his ankle and pursed his lips, but did not answer.

    [The value of this iron chain is a bit high, it contains black iron. I suggest you take it with you when you leave, and we can make a lot of money by switching it out. 】The system said seriously.


    Just as the system continued to praise the benefits of this chain, the door of the bedroom was pushed in from the outside.

    The reaction of the system was bigger than that of Gayan, and it ran away without a trace!

    And before leaving, he shouted: [You hold on to the hero for a while! I'll download the game before going to Mosaic! ]

    Jia Yang: [...]

    Jia Yang didn't bother to deal with the system, he looked at Jing Yi who walked in and didn't speak.

    Jing Yi also stared at Jia Yang quietly.

    After a while, he came over and held up Kayan's ankle.

    Jia Yang raised his eyebrows: "Although, it's okay to do this with our relationship, but I'm a big man after all. It's fine if you say your feet should be smaller, but they are so big." Jing

    Yi He said coldly: "Shut up."


    Jing Yi's thumb stroked the sole of Jia Yang's foot, and Jia Yang couldn't help but move.

    In fact, Gayan's feet are quite beautiful. Although it is not as small and exquisite as a girl or a teenager, but because of the well-proportioned and powerful limbs, there is such a smooth beauty in the line from the calf to the toe.

    Lazy like a leopard but full of explosive power.

    Although at this moment this little jiojio full of power fell into the hands of another person. And this person's strength is obviously stronger, so that the owner of the foot dare not act rashly.

    It's like a leopard caught by a tiger.

    Finally, after playing with it for a while, Jing Yi took out the key as if to untie the chain on Jia Yang's ankle.

    Jia Yang was a little surprised, he thought that Jing Yi would lock him up for ten or eight days.

    Who would have thought that this would be the end of it?

    At this time, the voice of the system came over: [Don't! Don't let him untie it for you! ]

    Jia Yang was slightly stunned: [Why? 】

    【Unless the male lead solves it for you personally, you won't be able to solve it. At that time, I can leave this world with me on the grounds that I can't solve it. The power contained in this chain is very valuable, how about seven of you and three of you when it is exchanged for points? ]

    Jiayang never thought that there would be such a good thing.

    He said: [deal. ]

    After finishing speaking, Jia Yang withdrew his foot from Jing Yi's hand.

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