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    Jiayan's throat was clenched tightly, and he couldn't speak a word.

    And this strength...

    no, the feeling of restraining him is very similar... the male protagonists of the previous worlds.

    Could it be Gloss? !

    This can't help but make Jia Yang's face change greatly.

    Could it be that he dreamed of the hero every day because he thought about it day and night? !

    Jia Yang moved his lips to answer, but the other party suddenly squeezed even tighter.

    He only heard him say indifferently: "That's all." It seemed that he didn't want to hear Gayan's answer.

    And then Jia Yang's eyes suddenly went dark.

    Then the other party suddenly turned Jia Yang over and pushed him over, then wrapped his slender arms in Jia Yang's arms, and gently bit Jia Yang's earlobe behind his ear.

    Kayan shuddered.

    After a long while, Jia Yang said in a hoarse voice: "Who are you? No matter who you are, I'll tell you that it's useless to touch me. I can't stand up anymore." The other party was not affected by Jia Yang's words at all

    . .

    A vine stretched out from nowhere and suddenly tied Jia Yang's eyes.

    The sudden blindness of the eyes made Jiayang's other organs suddenly extremely sensitive, especially the heartbeat.

    It seemed as if it was about to jump out of my throat.

    Immediately after, countless vines struck, binding Jiayang's limbs that were constantly struggling and resisting.


    Jia Yang could no longer hold back and cursed inwardly.

    Gayan, with his eyes closed, subconsciously licked his chapped lips, and he could feel the other party's cold palm moving leisurely on his body.

    It feels like a lion is patrolling its own territory.

    It's heart-pounding.

    Gayan struggled to wake himself up from the dream, but for some reason, he just couldn't.

    "...I really can't stand up." Gayan said in a hoarse voice.

    While it's a little shameful for a man to admit it, Gayan couldn't help it.

    The other party didn't stop moving after hearing this.

    Then Jiayang felt that his lower body was suddenly grabbed by the other party, not too lightly but not too hard.

    This made Gayan gasp.

    Before he could speak, he felt something strange in his body.

    His little brother stood up tremblingly!


    what's the situation? !

    Is he doing it again? !

    Without waiting for Jiayang to think deeply, he felt the other party's icy cold breath sprinkled on his ears.

    In the next second, his neck hurts, and the extremely familiar pain and the intensity of the bite made Jia Yang's heart freeze suddenly—

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