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    Gayan was noncommittal to his father's words.

    For him, as long as Eros, who is the hero, doesn't trip him up, he can handle the rest of the people himself.

    Delton hung up the communication after ordering some other things. Of course, the most important thing is the problem of him and Eros' children.

    Looking at the hung up communication, Jiayang couldn't help sighing with a headache.

    the next day.

    Military meetings have always been the top priority.

    Because many military matters will be discussed at the meeting, and these matters are related to the interests of various factions, so every general will participate in this once-a-month meeting.

    Early in the morning, military officers came to the meeting room one after another.

    And the lowest rank among these officers is brigadier general.

    Originally, the meeting was exactly the same as before, but when they saw Gayan sitting slightly below the head of the Bonner faction, the eyes of the officers from other factions flickered.

    Especially Aymo.

    Aimo is the major general of the Kurt family, and he was the one who satirized under the tree at Gayan's wedding last time.

    He disliked Jiayan very much.

    Although he already knew that Gayang would come to the military headquarters today, he was a little surprised to see that Gayang could directly attend the military headquarters meeting, after all, his military rank was only major.

    Hoss, who was sitting on the seat of another faction, shook his head at Aymo, signaling to leave Gayan alone today.

    Aymo snorted coldly, then sat down in his chair.

    Gayan, who was sitting on the chair, could naturally feel the eyes of those who seemed to be looking at him, but he didn't care, he just sat there lazily. Take a nap from time to time.

    It was not until all the generals came that the door of the military meeting was closed.

    After Eros came in, he first looked at Gayan, who was sitting opposite the Bonner faction with a lazy expression.

    Gayan's eyes met Eros's and he blinked at him.

    Eros' eyes suddenly melted a little.

    Although Aimo couldn't see anything from Eros' expression, Gayan's he could see it. Seeing their eyes meet, he immediately sneered.

    I cursed secretly in my heart.

    Today, except for General Delton, who was not present, basically all the generals arrived.

    Today's first meeting was about the research right of the latest ice weapon system. This research right had always belonged to Kurt, but this time Eros said that any weapon belongs to the military weapon system library, and no one else has the right.

    Aimo's father was very angry, thinking that you are in charge of the military's weapon system. It belongs to the military weapon system library, so you took it away?

    So no matter what, he couldn't let Eros take it away.

    For this reason, Aimo's father also lobbied other general factions, and the other generals also promised to help the Kurt family. After all, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, and Eros is allowed to continue to grow, and the military department will have no place for them by then.

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