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    Although Gayan told the Federation the news immediately, it was still a step too late.

    The Zerg seemed to know it.

    In the same period of time, thirty-five planets including the main star were attacked in an instant.

    The Zerg attacked densely, covering the sky and covering the sun. At that moment, it seemed that even the sky was covered.

    The planet quickly opened the protective cover and sounded the alarm.

    But those Zergs seemed to be harder than the previous Zergs, and the protective shields were crumbling. Countless planets are at stake, and even those with low defenses are knocked apart in just a few hours.

    In an instant, the entire planet became a sea of blood.

    At this time, Gayan was commanding in his own bridge.

    Aimo he has been rescued, but now the situation is grim, Aimo did not stay in the slightest. He desperately returned to the planet where he was stationed by means of a fleet transferred to him from Gayan.

    After all, he still has his own army. As a general, he naturally has to rush back to his station as quickly as possible and command the battle.

    And Gayan also returned to his quarters.

    Originally, Jiayang was thinking of finding an 'accident' to die in the hands of the Zerg. But he changed his mind after seeing those Zergs

    because Gayan found that things didn't seem to be as simple as he imagined.

    He thought that the Zergs were just ordinary mutations, but now he found that those Zergs seemed to have improved IQ.

    The Zerg races were already numerous in number, and if their IQs mutated, their strength would also mutate.

    Then this is no ordinary catastrophe.

    This would be a catastrophe that would kill at least half of the people—

    Jayan, who had been a general in this world for so long, could no longer regard these people as paper men.

    He planned to find a way to hold these Zerg for a while before he died.

    In this way, with Eros' ability, he will definitely make good use of this precious time, and maybe he can save many people.

    As for himself...

    he planned to pretend that he and his subordinates were separated after the war ended a bit. Even if he died at that time, it was normal.

    At this moment, his adjutant Deke came over again, and he said to Jia Yang: "General, General Aimo requests to connect with you."

    Jia Yang: " Connect."

    Adjutant: "Yes."

    After the communication, Aimo's stereoscopic projection appeared in front of Gayan.

    Unlike Aymo a few hours ago.

    Now Aymo can be said to be in a mess, with bloodshot eyes, and even Jia Yang saw that he seemed to be injured.

    After seeing Gayan, Aimo coughed a few times against his lips.

    The spaceship on his side also shook violently, and the projected projection was a little unstable.

    "Jayang." Aimo said hoarsely, "I can't defend my side anymore." "

    What's going on?"

    "The group of beasts seem to be able to perceive who is the supreme commander, and they have been following my main ship Attack. My army was scattered and I wanted to reconnect, but the Zerg seemed to be able to send out a special electromagnetic wave that blocked my signal." "

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