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    Looking at Eros' pupils as deep as an ancient pool, Gayan's throat rolled down.

    At that moment, Jia Yang had an intuition that if he could not answer this sentence well, he might not be on this hospital bed in the next second, but would appear in the torture room.

    No, maybe worse than that.

    Kayan pursed his lips. He looked at Eros, and then said with a downcast expression: "I mean, it's a pity that I'm in the hospital now, otherwise, we could get married a few days earlier." "Really?" Eros looked at

    Gayan .

    "Yeah!" Gayan looked at Eros with a bitter and sad expression, "You never know what it means to me to spend even one more minute with you. I never thought about you I will still have today, it feels like a dream."

    Probably because of being too thirsty, Gayang's voice was a little hoarse.

    He continued to murmur: "I'm really afraid to wake up the next day and tell me that this is really just a dream. If I can, I want to marry you even now, so that I will feel a little safe in my heart, let I know it's true."


    Jia Yang, who was immersed in his acting skills, was a little confused when he heard this sentence, and he wondered, "What's good?" "

    If you really want to, you can get married today." Eros said.

    Jia Yang was taken aback.

    He looked at Eros with a calm expression, and said stiffly: "But I can't move now...how to end it?" "We

    can register first, and I will ask the military department to approve it. After that, it will be entered into the system to change the marriage status, The marriage certificate will be delivered in a while. As for the wedding, you can wait until you get out of the hospital and make up for it.”

    Jia Yang: “…”

    Eros looked at Jia Yang who was stupidly standing there, and said with an unchanged expression, “What’s wrong?”

    "No, it's just...it was very sudden, so I was a little excited. If this is the case, then it's good..." For a moment, Jiayang suddenly wanted to slap himself twice.

    Let your mother stop talking nonsense!

    Eros: "Okay."

    Then, Eros actually went to do it. Moreover, he made a communication in front of Jiayang to explain the matter.

    The system entry of military marriage is the best way to deal with it, after all, Eros is a general.

    Just provide pupil prints, fingerprints and portraits.

    So after Eros finished speaking, the man on the opposite side immediately said: "Good general, I will deal with you immediately."

    Eros responded lightly, and after the treatment was finished, Eros said to Gayan who was lying on the hospital bed: "Do you feel safe now?"

    Jia Yang: "...Yes."

    [Hahahaha] After watching the system for a long time, I finally couldn't help laughing out loud.

    【Shut up. 】

    At this moment, Eros suddenly crossed his hands, looked at Gayan with slightly dark pupils, and said, "Is there anything else? If not, I happen to have something to ask you." "I have something to

    ask Me?" Jia Yang immediately had a bad premonition.


    Gayan licked his chapped lips and said, "What's the matter?"

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