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    When Chen Lie heard this, his footsteps stopped suddenly.

    The rest of the people also stopped in their tracks. But no one looked back, but they all looked at each other.

    This voice...

    why does it sound familiar?

    After Jia Yang felt that Xia Kai and the others seemed to have left, he hurriedly continued: "It's me, brothers! Help me, don't fucking go away!" Although

    Jia Yang knew that with their abilities, there was no way to shake the hero .

    And whether they help or not is one thing.

    But as long as there are outsiders present, he doesn't believe that Jing Yi really dares to continue in front of so many people.

    Jing Yi looked at Jia Yang, who kept raising his head and shouting to Chen Lie for help, narrowed his long and narrow dark eyes interestingly.

    He continued to scare Gayan.

    Even his hands went deep into his shirt from time to time.

    Kayan was really scared. He stopped Jing Yi's movements, wherever Jing Yi stretched out his hand, he would grab it.

    Jing Yi looked at Jiayang, who was clenched tightly on his arm, and looked at his reddened cheeks and the sweat beads on his eyelashes due to his aggressive actions, and a slight smile flashed in his eyes.

    And display this.

    After a while, he finally chose to turn his head and take a look.

    After he turned his head, he had noticed Jia Yang, who was facing the opposite direction, and immediately said, "It's me, Chen Lie!"

    "Ja Yang..." Chen Lie was stunned.

    The faces of the rest of them changed immediately after hearing the name, and then they all turned around.

    After seeing clearly who the person under the boss is, all those subordinates who were familiar with Jia Yang before were struck by lightning.

    How...how could it be Gayan? !

    Why is he here?

    When did the boss catch Gayan, why didn't they know? !

    Could it be that the boss secretly went out to look for it these days?

    Or did Jiayang sneak in and try to assassinate the boss but was caught by the boss?

    At this time, all kinds of thoughts were constantly circulating in everyone's minds, and they subconsciously ignored the appearance of Jiayang being restrained by the boss.

    Jia Yang kept struggling under Jing Yi.

    But the exhaustion of the past few days and the suppression of Jing Yi's strength made Jia Yang unable to struggle at all.

    He could only grit his teeth and look at Xia Kai and the others.

    At that time, Xia Kai and the others finally came back to their senses. They stared blankly at Jia Yang, who was pinned down by the boss, and then at the boss's indifferent expression.

    Xia Kai swallowed his saliva and said, "Boss...you are...?"

    He has imagined countless times in the past year, what should he do if he sees Jiayang again? Should he go up and fight directly, or should he scold him as a traitor.

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