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    Jiayan's luck was a little bit bad. As soon as he arrived in the new world, he was hit hard by a fast and violent rainstorm.

    The sky was covered with dark clouds, so dark it seemed that it was about to collapse. The strong wind blows the sand, making it hard to keep your eyes open.

    Not to mention the bone-piercing rain.

    "Damn it." Jia Yang, who had become drowned in an instant, was stunned.

    He barely looked around and found that he was probably in a place similar to the suburbs. There are many trees around, and the willow branches are constantly fluttering by the strong wind.

    [Should we pass on the retrospective data of this world now? 】The system said.

    [Repost later. 】

    The rain is really heavy, Jia Yang plans to find a place to stay first.

    Gayan didn't know what time it was. Because the rain was falling harder, the sky was extraordinarily dark, which made him unable to judge.

    But he was sure of one thing—this should be a modern world.

    Just something is wrong.

    There are some stray things along the way, even blood. There is a strange dull and cold feeling around here, as if it is a place abandoned by humans.

    At least it hasn't been smoked for a long time.

    Jiayang squinted his eyes, thinking about which world this world is.

    He has been to so many worlds that he can't remember clearly.

    But the next second he will know.

    Because at this moment, Jia Yang suddenly felt a cold wind behind him, and Jia Yang, who had a very quick reaction, quickly dodged to the side.

    Immediately afterwards, he saw a 'person' with stiff limbs coming towards him.

    Judging from his stiff movements, it should be a zombie...

    or a zombie.

    Why should it be? That's because Gayan couldn't see his face clearly, his waist was covered in a mosaic except for his trousered legs.

    Jia Yang: "..."

    [Because the scene is too bloody, the host protection system has been activated. After it is turned on, it will automatically isolate the host from any images that make the host feel physically and mentally uncomfortable. 】

    Gayan was silent.

    The corner of his mouth twitched as he watched a mass of mosaics attacking him.

    Jia Yang subconsciously hid aside, because he couldn't see the specific upper body of the other party, and Jia Yang didn't dare to touch the other party rashly. After finally finding an opportunity, Jiayang kicked the zombie away.

    The zombie was kicked hard to the tree and rolled down.

    Because there happened to be a small piece of iron net that was torn open on the tree, and the zombie's head just happened to poke into it, so it struggled and couldn't charge towards Gayang again.

    Kayan took a deep breath.

    [There is a villa three kilometers ahead, you can go there to shelter from the rain for the time being. 】The system said.

[Quick Travel] The Villain's Whitewashing MethodWhere stories live. Discover now