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I watch Regulus' retreating figure as he leaves the Quidditch changing rooms.
Well, if I really am nothing to him then I guess it's time for me to prove that I'm not going to chase someone who evidently doesn't want me. I'm going to go to that Slytherin party tonight and I'm gonna make him realize that two can play his game.
After dinner I head upstairs and get ready.
I wear a black and red checkered flannel shirt over a plain black t shirt as well as some denim bootcut jeans and my trusty white hightop converse. I fluff up my hair and clean my glasses and decide it's time to go.
"Where are you off to, Prongs?" Asks Sirius
"Slytherin party, you not going?" I reply
"Why the fuck are you going there?" Asks Remus
"Wanna see if they follow through on their invite and how shit it's gonna be so we know we didn't lose to much. Come on, it'll be fun"
I guess what I told them isn't entirely a lie, it's just not entirely the truth
"Alright fine but you know I need at least twenty minutes to get ready" Sirius replies
Remus rolls his eyes "he's so dramatic, I'll be down in five"
I laugh at both Remus and Sirius as they hurry up to the dorm room.
"What about you, Pete?" I ask
"Oh I have plans with some friends from Ravenclaw, but maybe we'll stop by the party later" Peter replies
"Ah nice one, Pete, have a good one!" I say with a smile, Pete returns the smile before getting up to go. I watch as Pete leaves Gryffindor tower and makes his way over to Ravenclaw.
I sit on an armchair in the Gryffindor common room, waiting for my other two friends when finally, five minutes later, Moony reenters the common room, meaning I have some company until Sirius is finally ready, which we both know will take longer than twenty minutes.
Remus is wearing a beige and brown striped v-neck sweater vest over a white button up long sleeve shirt as well as some brown corduroy trousers and brown loafers.
"Classy as ever, Moons" I comment, offering my friend a smile
"Why thank you, Prongs" Remus replies, returning the smile.
"Prongs" says Remus
"Moony" I reply
"What's going on?"
"You seem really...off lately"
"What do you mean?"
"James, you've been really protective of Sirius, more than usual. I mean, you're picking fights with Regulus, you've never done that"
"I'm fed up of them, Moons, they treat him like shit"
"I know, James, and I know you're a loving person but that's the thing, you're too full of love to be the person you're pretending to be. James, you are too pure and too loving to be mean and intimidating, you are not built to threaten people and start arguments with them. I have no doubt that if Sirius got into a duel or a punch up that you'd be there having his back, no questions asked, because that's who you are, but we all know Sirius is supposed to start the fights. You are not a violent, aggressive person, James, you were never meant to be, you're not designed that way and that's good, that's one of the things we love about you. I just don't want to see one of my best friends try and change himself drastically to protect someone who is perfectly capable of fighting their own battles"
I take in what Remus is saying and I take a moment to think before I reply.
"I understand that, Remus, thank you for looking out for me and pointing that out. Sirius is able to defend himself but it's different with his family, he's more reluctant to stand up to them, I just thought if I could stand up for him he'd carry it on and be more comfortable with confronting his family when they treat him like dirt on the bottom of their shoes"
"I think it's admirable how much you love and care for tour friends and how far you're willing to go, but the problem, James, is that you are treating Sirius like a fragile object and he hates it, I know he does, which is why he keeps lashing out at you, you need to give him freedom and independence, let him pick what battles he wants to fight. You and Sirius are two peas in a pod, if there's anyone Sirius would go to for help it would be you. Trust me, James, if Sirius needed you, you'd know about it"
"You're right, Moons, I've been a right arrogant prick. I'm sorry, I was just trying to help but I do see it from other perspectives now and I can see how I might have made things worse. I think I was just blinded by rage. Thank you, Remus"
"Anytime, Prongs"
"Hey, Moony"
"Yes, Prongs"
"You would make a brilliant teacher"
"Thanks, Prongs, but I don't think people like me are allowed to be teachers"
"I dunno, Moons, you're pretty great, I think they'd let it slide"
"You flatter me, Prongs"
"I do try, anything for our Moony"
"Alright bitches I'm ready" Sirius announces as he approaches us. Sirius is wearing a white polo with black skinny jeans, black doc martens and a black leather jacket
"Looking good, Pads" I comment
"Prongs, you flirt!" Exclaims Sirius
"I can't resist" I reply, holding my hands up in mock surrender
"Get a room" Remus jokes, rolling his eyes
"Don't tempt me, Moony" I reply with a grin, gaining another eye roll from Remus.
We make it to the Slytherin common room and surprisingly, people actually showed up and it's actually like a party; there's music and people have evidently stolen snacks from the kitchens and laid them out on the table. They have a proper set up. I mean, nothing in comparison to the Gryffindor after quidditch match parties but it'll do I suppose.
Without even thinking, I instantly scan the room for Regulus and funnily enough, I do see him, but he's talking to who I assume are his friends.
Oh well, not like he wants me to talk to him, even if we were on talking terms it's not like I could just spark up a conversation with him, that would be out of character for both of us and we can't have any suspicions or rumours circling the castle about us, that would indeed cause quite the drama for the both of us and in all honesty, I don't have the time, energy nor the capacity to be dealing with such dramas.
"Whatcha looking at?" Asks Sirius, snapping me out of my thoughts completely
"Nothing, I was merely zoning out" I lie
"That bored already, Prongs?" Sirius laughs "come on, let's go lighten up the party!" Exclaims Sirius
Just then 'Crocodile Rock' by Elton John plays on whatever music device they're playing from and Sirius' eyes light up
"It's a summer song!" Exclaims Sirius
In context, the first summer where Sirius stayed over, the first song we played on my record player was Crocodile Rock, since then we've been collecting what Sirius calls 'summer songs'.
"Come on, Prongs!" Exclaims Sirius
Obviously, I can't say no to Sirius Black, so, naturally, I join him in running to the middle of the room to dance.
"But the biggest kick I ever got was doin a thing called the crocodile rock, while the other kids were rockin round the clock, we were hoppin and boppin to the crocodile rock!" Sirius and I belt the song at the top of our lungs as we dance along like no one's watching. Of course, everyone is watching but in that moment I could not care less, because I look over at my best friend and see that he is wearing the biggest smile, he looks so happy that nothing could stop me now, if this is what's making him happy then I don't give a flying fuck about what everyone else thinks, Sirius deserves this kind of freedom, and that's what he's going to get.
Eventually the song ends and I am sweaty and out of breath, and so is Sirius, so we move away from the middle of the room, heading back to Remus, who looks like he wants the ground to swallow him whole. like he's embarrassed to know us.
"Did you enjoy the show, Moony?" Asks Sirius
"He might not have but I certainly did!" Replies a different voice, a familiar one. I look behind Remus and see Lily Evans and smile at her "Oh really, you liked what you saw did you, Evans?" I ask, she steps closer to me and holds onto my flannel shirt, smiling dopily at me "I did indeed, Potter" she replies with a giggle as well as a small hiccup
"Lily, darl, I think you're drunk" I say
"Shhh, I am not!" She laughs at me
She spends a moment staring at me, and before I can stop her, she kisses me. I don't stop her, I don't pull away, I let her kiss me. I even kiss her back.
The kiss felt good, wonderful even. But the kiss was missing the spark that occurred when I kissed Regulus. I know it was bad of me to be thinking about my best friend's brother whilst kissing the girl I've been pining for since first year but I can't help it, the kiss I shared with Regulus was more magical than this one. In fact, I might go as far as to say that my kiss with Lily is rather anticlimactic.
Eventually Lily pulls away and spends another second staring at me. Sirius wolf whistles at us. Obviously he thinks this is the greatest moment of my life so I have to act as though it is.
Then I catch a glimpse of Regulus. He looks furious with me, rightly so I think. He storms off, not up to his room, not out of the tower, but to some boy. I put my attention back on Lily, who now looks as though she regrets her decision "I've got to go"
"Lily wait!" I say but she's already making a move to leave.
"What the fuck?" Asks Sirius
"I'm just as confused as you, mate" I reply
What the fuck is going on?
Lily just kissed me, I think Regulus saw, Regulus is furious with me and now, I catch a glimpse of Regulus again and he's snogging some dark haired boy.
What the fuck?
"Is that Reggie kissing Barty Crouch?" Asks Sirius
"What is in the fucking drinks?" Asks Remus, inspecting his own cup in fear that at any given moment he might just plant a smooch on one of us.
I don't even care what jokes anyone has to make, in that moment, all I can do is watch Regulus kiss that bloke before he pulls away.
I can tell he looks directly at me. So smug. What a prick.
I can feel the rage rising inside of me. The jealousy is pulsating through my veins. I hate that there's now someone else that has got to experience the euphoria of kissing Regulus Black. I have half the mind to stride over there, grab his face and kiss him in front of everyone but I also know better than that, so instead I storm outside.
I don't even think about Remus or Sirius, I just hope Regulus sees, and parts of me hopes that he follows, I know he won't but I can hope.
I don't know if Remus and Sirius will follow me but at this moment in time I don't really care, I just need to be out of the Slytherin common room before I make decisions I'll regret. So I keep walking, our of Slytherin common room, out of the dungeons, but not even to Gryffindor tower. I know where I'm going, and hopefully Regulus knows too.


Hello there my lovelies!

Here we have wholesome Remus, wholesome James and Sirius moment but also jealous James so it really is a jam packed chapter. I hope you all enjoyed! See you again in the next chapter! I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Stay wonderful!

All my love,

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