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When I watched Regulus stumble through the Great Hall doors before blacking out, my stomach lurched and I felt panic rise within me.
Sirius and I ended up carrying him to the hospital wing, but Sirius had a detention, so I stayed with him. I said it was for Sirius' peace of mind, but really I just wanted to make sure he was okay.
I cannot even begin to describe the relief I felt when he began to stir, and then when he finally woke up.
Of course, though, it would be odd now if I just stuck around and never went to get Sirius, so that's exactly what I do.
"Hey, Sirius" I say
"Is Reg up?" Asks Sirius and I nod
"He woke up a few minutes ago" I reply
"Great, thanks for staying with him. Oh, could you go see Moony? He's in a bit of a state from...well, you know" Sirius asks.
I do know. Last night was the full moon, so of course, Sirius, Peter and I snuck out at night, froze the whomping willow, waited under my cloak for Remus to transform before we followed suit and spent the night with him, ensuring we kept him playing so that he doesn't run off and do something he'll regret. Of course, we're all tired, but we'll do anything for our Moony.
"Of course, mate, you go to Reg, I'll go to Moony" I reply with a smile. Sirius thanks me before he leaves to go to the hospital wing, whereas I turn in the opposite direction and head back to Gryffindor Tower.
When I get to the Gryffindor Common Room, I see Remus sat on the sofa in front of the fire next to Lily, the two of them deep in conversation. This takes me aback slightly, Remus is usually holed up in our dorm room fast asleep after a full moon.
"Hey, Moons, Hey, Lils" I say, taking a seat next to Lily on the sofa and greeting her with a kiss to her forehead.
"Oh hey, James" Remus says with a smile
"I thought you weren't feeling too good, Moons" I query with a raised eyebrow
"Oh, I wasn't, turns out our Lily here is excellent at potions, she whipped me one up that made me feel right as rain" Remus replies and I smile, kissing Lily's cheek "She is a wonder" I reply, smiling at Lily who blushes at me.
"Where were you this morning?" Asks Lily
"After I left from breakfast, I was walking back to Gryffindor Tower but when I passed the entrance hall I saw Regulus, he didn't look too good and then he passed out so I helped Sirius carry him to the hospital wing. Sirius had a detention so he asked me to stay and because I'm so great I stayed" I replied
"Is he alright?" Asks Lily and I nod
"He's fine, just a bit off today" I reply "Anyway, you two looked very deep in conversation, did I miss anything good?" I ask
"Oh, we were just gossiping" Lily replies
"Gossiping? Moony likes gossip?" I ask, quirking an eyebrow
"Absolutely I do" Remus replies matter-of-factly
"Why do you call him that?" Asks Lily
"Hm?" I ask
"Why do you call Remus Moony?" Asks Lily
"In all honesty, I can't remember why I got that one, just an inside joke that's stuck but been forgotten" Remus lies and I nod in agreement. Lily frowns but doesn't push any further.
"So, what gossip am I missing out on?" I ask
Lily giggles "Well, do you know Emmeline Vance in the year above us?" Asks Lily
"I know of her existence, yes" I reply
"Well, last year she dated Alec Finch from our year, they broke up in January, but the word is, is that Alec had been fooling around with Leanne Rauch from November onwards and Leanne was Emmeline's best friend, but Emmeline found out about Leanne and Alec's little affair, they had a huge row after you left breakfast and obviously Remus missed breakfast so I was filling him in, the row got pretty nasty, it almost got physical but Professor McGonnogall intervened before it could get to that stage, they're having a mitigation now but I think it's safe to say that Emmeline and Leanne are no longer going to be friends" Lily continues
"Man, I can't believe I missed that!" I exclaim
"I know, right!" Remus agrees
"See, Remus loves gossip" Lily points out. I smile and roll my eyes.
We continue to sit by the fire and talk for a while before the portrait swings open and Sirius walks in, closely followed by Regulus
"Hey, guys" I say brightly
"Hi, lads, Reggie needs to hang here for a bit, Dumbledore needs to talk to all of us in ten minutes" Sirius warns
Dumbledore needs to talk to us? "All of us?" I ask
"Yep, where's Pete?" Asks Sirius
I scan the room and point over to the far right corner where Peter is playing wizard's chess with another sixth year. "Pete" I shout over to him, he looks up and I beckon him over. He passes a few words to the sixth year boy before he stands and walks over to us.
"What's up guys?" Asks Peter
"Dumbledore wants to talk to us in a minute" I reply. He quirks an eyebrow but says nothing.
Minutes later the portrait swings open and Professor McGonnogall walks in.
"Ah, there you are, Mr Potter, Mr Black, Mr Lupin, Mr Pettigrew and Miss Evans, all come with me please" Professor McGonnogall announces
We all stand and follow her out of the portrait all the way to Dumbledore's office. When we arrive in his office he smiles at us all "Please, sit" he gestures to a row of chairs lined up in front of his desk. So we all sit in the chairs as instructed.
"I'm sure you're all wondering why I called you here as a group. The reason for this is because you are the top performing students in your year, all of you will be vital to the Order. I have reason to believe that Lord Voldemort will be attacking somewhere popular soon. I know that you will all perform well within the Order. In the coming weeks I will be asking you all to undertake certain missions for me, you will receive these missions shortly, but you are to complete them within the next few weeks. I cannot stress enough that these missions are personal to you and to your strengths. You are not to share these missions with one another. This is not because I believe any one of you would betray each other or the Order but it is merely a safety precaution I am not willing to give up so when you get your mission you are allowed to say you have one but you cannot discuss the context of such mission is this understood?" Asks Dumbledore
We all nod
"Why bring us here collectively, Professor, if you were going to speak to us individually anyway?" Asks Lily
"A good question indeed, Miss Evans. I thought it was be easier to brief you all on why you're here and then have five of you leave the room while I tell you one by one what I wish for each of you to do. Do not stress, though, they can all be completed within school grounds or in Hogsmeade so you won't be missing any lesson time. You will assuredly receive missions that require you elsewhere but that will not be until the summer. Now, Mr Potter, I would like to speak to you first. I must ask the rest of you to step outside, I will ask James to bring the next person in when we are finished" Dumbledore replies.
Lily, Sirius, Remus, Regulus and Peter all stand and walk out of Dumbledore's office. The moment the door closes, Dumbledore places his attention on me.
I suddenly feel quite restless in my chair under his gaze. I'm not entirely sure where to look.
As if sensing my nerves, my right leg begins to bounce quickly and my hand flies to my mouth as i begin to chew on the nail of my left forefinger.
"James" Dumbledore begins and I nod "As I understand it you are rather gifted at charms are you not?" Asks Dumbledore
"I'm pretty good, yeah" I reply, my cheeks reddening as I say it
"Professor Flitwick praises you often for your impeccable abilities" Dumbledore adds and I blush harder "due to this, I will need you to meet with Professor Flitwick every Sunday morning at 9am, you will devise a spell strategy. I want you and Professor Flitwick to think of the quickest, easiest and most efficient spells that we can teach the Order to use on the battlefield. This will be a start to our battle strategy. This mission is actually an ongoing one you must maintain throughout the war, as our numbers grow and the battles become more severe as I don't doubt they will, you and Professor Flitwick will need to decide on or even develop stronger, more complex spells for us to use, but these are still early days so don't get too ahead of yourself just yet" Dumbledore explains and I nod
"So you just want me to work on spells with Flitwick?" I ask
"Precisely that, you will also need to present the strategy you devise with Professor Flitwick at the next Order meeting, and you will need to continue to present your strategies each time you improve the spells you think we should use" Dumbledore adds
"You mean like teach everyone the spells?" I ask
"Exactly. Do you think you can do that?" Asks Dumbledore
I hesitate for a moment. It doesn't sound like much, but it also sounds like a lot at the same time. I suppose that is something I can do, and I want to do what I can for the Order. I especially do not want to let Dumbledore down either.
"Yeah...yeah I can do that" I reply, after what feels like forever. Dumbledore simply smiles at me
"Excellent. Unless you have any questions for me, Mr Potter, I believe that is all I need to discuss with you" Dumbledore states, a tone of finality in his voice.
"Thank you, Professor" I state as I stand from my chair, ready to leave.
"Would you ask Mr Black to come in next please" Dumbledore asks
"Yeah of course" I state but then I stop and turn back "erm, which one?" I ask, remembering that both Regulus and Sirius had followed Professor McGonnogall up here
"Oh yes, Regulus, please" Dumbledore replies
"Right, yes, of course" I state before turning and leaving.
I meet Lily, Sirius, Remus, Regulus and Peter outside of Dumbledore's office. I turn to face Regulus "Dumbledore has asked for you to go in his office" I say to Regulus. He stares at me for a moment more before blinking at me and shaking his head slightly "hm?" He asks
"Dumbledore wants you" I state and Regulus nods, his lips parting slightly, My eyes linger on his lips as he does that and I catch myself licking my own subconsciously. I quickly put my tongue back in my mouth and keep my mouth firmly shut.
"Right. Yes.  Thank you" Regulus says almost dazedly as he turns and heads into Dumbledore's office. After Regulus is Lily, then after Lily is Sirius and then after Sirius is Remus and finally, after Remus is Peter.
After being at Dumbledore's office for maybe just over an hour it's time for lunch so together we all head down to the Great Hall.
Regulus parts ways with us to head to the Slytherin table and, I'm not sure why, but I feel sad that he isn't joining us for lunch. He never has, he has no real reason to, but for some reason I want him


Hello there my loves!

Sorry it's been a hot minute I have been a busy little bee but I'm back and we have soft James plus Remus being a gossip fiend (you cannot even deny it I am positive that man lived for gossip and I won't hear anything otherwise) and then we have war stuffs! Also this fic does not paint Dumbledore in a good light, I am a Dumbledore hater till I die, sorry to the Dumbledore stans out there but this will have Dumbledaddy slander xoxo Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this one, as always thank you for all the love and support on the fic i literally adore you all! I'll catch you in the next one! Until then have the best day!

Stay wonderful!

All my everlasting love,

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