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Hello there my lovelies!!!

So we're all finished!!!
Which is INSANE!!!
I never intended for this to be a whopping eighty five chapters long and yet here we are, with an eighty five chapter long fic which at the time of writing is nearing 26k reads which is unreal.
First off I absolutely need to say thank you to every single one of you for reading this fic and sticking around.
I have loved every single comment and it amazes me how many of you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it I'm honestly so grateful I adore you all.
But anyway let's talk about the fic.
Okay so basically, Regulus was always going to die, I knew this fic was going to be somewhat canon compliant and in my defence I did not realise I would have more than a handful of people reading considering I had been out of the fanfiction game for about two years almost and to be so real my writing was sub-par before so I wasn't sure if it was up to standard, but I'm gonna go with it is considering the amount of you that have been enjoying this fic.
I think you would be interested to know though that it wasn't always supposed to end the way it did.
James and Regulus were supposed to break up later into the war and Regulus was supposed to get with Arlo a lot later.
Arlo was never supposed to be a good person, but Regulus was still supposed to be with Arlo when they went into the cave and then James was supposed to tell Regulus that him and Lily were together and having a baby and that coupled with Arlo's death was supposed to send him back into that cave but it didn't feel right to me so it's ended the way it did.
To be honest with you guys, I didn't pre-write the chapters I just wrote when I had an idea which is why it's such a long fic because I would just come up with ideas and publish chapters but I'm glad it is that way because I'm so happy with how this fic turned out and I really hope you've all enjoyed it too!!
Anyway, I think that's all from me, once again thank you all so much for your love and support, I love and adore you all!
So, I'll leave it there, I hope you've enjoyed this fanfiction, have a great day my loves!

All my everlasting love, forever and always,

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