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Regulus stays in bed for two weeks.
I visit him every day to coax him in the shower, to bring him food, make sure he drinks water, change his clothes and soothe him.
However, today when I visit him, he's already out of bed, washed and dressed.
"Would you like to come down for lunch with me?" Asks Regulus
Part of me wants to make a big deal out of this, to praise him, but I know that that reaction isn't a good one, isn't the best one, so I don't.
"I would, yes" I reply simply, offering him a small smile which he weakly returns.
"Will Barty be joining us?" I ask cautiously.
Barty was held in the hospital wing for a week and a half. At first it was because he broke a few bones, and after that it was for his and everyone else's safety, because he kept threatening to kill people, especially Emmeline, he's angry, beyond angry, even. I can't blame him, really.
They only let him out of the hospital wing when he stopped making threats and just started laying silently in bed.
Regulus shakes his head and ushers me out of the room. "He's not ready, I'll just bring him some food" Regulus says as soon as we leave the room
"It might be good for him to get out of bed, it might be hard for him but doing nothing is going to make it worse" I reply
"Don't pretend you know what's best for him" Regulus spits vehemently, suddenly mad at me
"I didn't mean to upset you, I was just trying to be helpful" I say cautiously
"How can you help when you barely even knew Evan? You didn't know how Barty and Evan worked, how can you possibly help him through this?" Asks Regulus angrily
"I'm not very hungry, you go to lunch, I'll head to the common room" I say quietly
"Are you mad at me?" Asks Regulus
"No" I lie
"You're just suddenly not hungry?" Asks Regulus
I just nod "I'll see you later" I reply
Regulus rolls his eyes and walks off.
I head back up to Gryffindor Tower, my appetite dwindling away as I recount the anger in Regulus' tone.
When I get to the Common Room, I see Lily and Remus talking on the sofa.
"What gossip do we have in store today?" I ask in the hopes that they have stories that will lift my spirit.
"Well, I was just telling Lily that Romesh Kuthar just hit on me and we were discussing how I should tell Sirius" Remus replies
"I fear for poor Romesh's life, Sirius is quite a protective character, you know he once kissed my shoes to prove to Alejandro Valencia that he was my best friend. I think Alejandro just wanted to sit next to me in Charms" I say which makes both Lily and Remus laugh.
"We'll all hope then that Romesh only suffers some rude words and death stares in the corridors" Lily comments and we all nod in agreement "Anyway, James, sit and I can tell you both my story of the week" Lily adds
I do, in fact, take a seat and wait for Lily to begin her story.
"Okay, so do you guys know Ishaani Patil in Hufflepuff?" Asks Lily
"Is she the one with impeccable style?" I ask
"The very same" Lily replies with a grin "well, she was being very friendly with me so I made a move, turns out she's dating Yusuf Belhaj in Ravenclaw and, James, you know I don't say no to two, she asked if I'd be interested in joining them in her dorm room. Anyway, I caught her drift and we had a night of...fun. Well, turns out that Ishaani is not Yusuf's only lover, he had been cheating on Ishaani with Meredith O'Connell but Meredith was already sleeping with Carter Beckonsdell, so I got myself into a right mess, especially since Ishaani, Yusuf and Meredith all want to be part of the Order. Turns out, though, that Carter is a Slytherin and he's already pledged his allegiance to You Know Who"
I sat, my jaw hung open in shock at Lily's entire story.
"Lils, where the fuck do you find these people?" I ask
Lily giggles "beats me, I think they find me and I just happen to entertain them. I'm on a self-finding journey, James, I don't choose where I do my pit-stops" Lily replies with a wink and a grin which causes me to smile and shake my head.
"How are you so cool about it?" I ask Remus, my tone incredulous
"This is quite tame for Lils, she's usually off doing loads of random shit, it's what I love most about her" Remus replies, smirking at Lily who bumps his shoulder playfully.
It warms my heart to see the both of them share such a strong bond.
"How's Reg doing? Sirius has been worried sick about him" Asks Remus
"He's out of bed" I reply
"That's amazing! Does Sirius know?" Asks Remus
"Not yet, I'll tell him though" I reply
"Reg?" Asks the all-too familiar voice of Sirius. I turn to face him with a raised brow. I make a show of checking my complexion and staring back at Sirius "Yeah, I'm Regulus if he ever saw the fucking sun" I reply with a smirk
"Fuck. Sorry. Wishful thinking" Sirius says
"Reg is out of bed though, he's in the Great Hall" I reply
"He is?" Asks Sirius incredulously
"He is" I repeat and without another word, Sirius darts off to go and find his brother
"It's sweet the way Sirius cares" Lily remarks "my sister couldn't care less, I could be dead in a ditch right now and I'm sure she wouldn't bat an eye" Lily continues and then she shrugs "I'm off to the library, anyone wanna come?" Asks Lily
"I'll join" Remus replies
"I'll pass" I say and they walk off without me.
I head to my dorm room and fish out my textbooks.
I open them and try hard to focus, to read them and get some work done, but I'm not retaining any information and my "study session" is proving to be an absolute waste of my time. I close my text books as I accept defeat and I decide instead to take a walk around the castle because I'm feeling quite restless today.
I've always struggled with focusing, I've never been able to sit still and pay attention for long, it drives people mad.
I decide not to dwell on it and instead just continue my walk and appreciate the castle.
On my walk around one of the floors I bump into Regulus.
"Sorry" I mutter
"It's fine" Regulus replies, his tone clipped
"Look, Reg, I'm sorry about earlier I didn't mean to imply that I knew what was best for Barty" I state
"It's fine, James"
"Your tone doesn't sound like it's fine"
"I said it's fine"
"What is your problem?"
"You! You're my fucking problem! Because I asked you to keep your damn difference and all you've done is hover over me for the past two fucking weeks"
"Well I'm sorry that I fucking care about you"
"Maybe you shouldn't"
"I can't help it! You're fucking addictive, do you think I want to be around you when you're treating me like shit? You're like a disease"
"For fucks sake, James, you're insufferable"
In an instant I surge forward, pushing him up against the wall, ensuring our bodies are touching.
"Am I? Really? Is that what you think?" I ask
Regulus' breathing becomes heavy and quick aspress up against him.
"I- well- I" Regulus stutters
"Go on, baby, tell me how insufferable I am, tell me again, I beg you" I continue as I press into him
"James" Regulus whispers breathlessly
"Hm, not got much to say now do you?" I ask into his ear before nibbling his ear lobe, he inhales sharply and I almost get a moan out of him which is almost always the goal.
"Tell me how much you hate me, baby, I want to hear your loathing coat your words, I want to hear in detail how much I annoy you, how insufferable I am, how you never want to see my face. I want to hear all of those words tumble out of that pretty mouth of yours" I say before kissing down his neck. He moves his head to the side to give me more leverage. I find a spot near his collar bone and latch onto it, sucking on it to leave my mark, he moans as I do so and I am filled with satisfaction and gratification.
"James, please" Regulus whimpers
"Please what, Pretty Boy? Use your words, baby, what would you like me to do?" I ask almost tauntingly
"I want you" Regulus replies helplessly
"Am I what you want, baby? Even when I'm so insufferable?" I ask as I snake my hand down to his crotch and rub my hand up and down, ever so slightly adding pressure to make him whimper
"Please, James" Regulus begs.
"That's not an answer, baby, tell me, am I what you want?" I ask again, gripping his crotch as I do so. He moans into my neck.
"Fuck, James, yes, please" Regulus sputters almost frustratedly, grinding into my hand to gain the friction he so desperately needs, so desperately craves, the friction I'm not granting him, instead teasing him with a hint of it.
"Good boy, that's better, you get what you want when you use your words" I reply into his ear before nibbling his ear lobe once more and earning a harsh intake of breath from Regulus.
I hoist his hips up so that I'm carrying him before I kiss him and walk us into the nearest classroom. I hope that it is empty and to my relief it is. I close the door behind us and lock it before placing Regulus down onto a desk and sliding myself between his legs.
He tugs at my shirt as I kiss down his neck and I aid him in pulling it off before I remove his shirt. I press my hips into his, only slightly grinding into him, not giving him what he wants straight away like I usually would.
This is a lot more fast-paced, a lot more intense, our clothes are off within minutes, there is no foreplay. Soon enough, I have Regulus bent over a desk and I'm thrusting in and out of him at a steady pace.
The classroom fills with a concoction of moans, heavy breathing and skin to skin contact.
The two of us so very nearly finishing in sync, with Regulus finishing only moments before me as I ride out both of our highs.
The moment we're finished, Regulus stands up and begins to dress himself.
"That doesn't change anything" Regulus states matter of factly
"No, it proves my point" I reply
"Oh? And what is that?" Asks Regulus, his clipped tone making a return
"That we can't stay away from each other" I reply
Regulus scoffs and rolls his eyes at me "You can't deny it, Regulus, we were just fighting, just mad at one another and then we were fucking in an empty classroom. We can't stay away" I state
"Well, you're going to have to learn to stay away" Regulus replies
"Why?" I ask
"It's for your own good"
"Who are you to decide what's good for me?"
"I'm asking you to leave because I love you!"
"And I'm staying and facing danger because I love you"
"Don't flip the script, James"
"I'm not, you don't get to decide what's good for me and what's not. I am a grown man, I can fight my own battles. There is no safety in war, Regulus, so if I'm going to be in the way of danger, I would rather do so with you by my side"
Regulus stops and stares at me for a moment "I just want you to be safe. You can't die, James, you can't" Regulus says, very close to tears
"I make no promises, because that isn't fair on either of us, but I promise to stay close to you, to love you, not to leave you" I reply
"Okay" Regulus says, a tone of finality in his voice.
I pull him in for a hug, kissing the top of his head and stroking his hair, knowing that he finally gets it, that he no longer wants me to keep my distance. I now know that we're okay.
We're going to be okay.


Hello there my lovelies!

A happier chapter???? Mayhaps????
Also can we please appreciate how unhinged Lily is in this fic? I love her. Please Lily just one chance xoxo
Also, I just want to preface that I am not trying to make out like Lily's only personality trait is that she sleeps around. Most people characterise Lily as sweet and fragile, but my girl is not fragile. Like, she's so sweet and kind and she loves so fiercely, but she is also a badass and she does what she likes and who she likes. Right now she's trying to figure out what she does like, and that means gaining new experiences that she isn't afraid to share which is so so special because no one should ever be afraid to search for who they are, and no one should be ashamed of who they are or how they came to be who they are!!!!
Also Remus and Lily's friendship is so cute I love <3
Also Sirius just running off when he hears about Regulus being out of bed lmao he's such a mum I love him
Also James is so right, Regulus and James cannot stay away from each other, they're so in love I'm going to bathe with my toaster x
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this one! I'll catch you in the next one! Until then, have a great day my loves!

Stay wonderful!

All my everlasting love,

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