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James leads me to his bedroom.
He's right, no one else is here, we have the place to ourselves.
The moment his dorm room door closes he strides over to me, placing both his hands on my face and kissing me passionately.
He pushes me down onto the bed and begins to unbutton his shirt, I follow suit.
James straddles me and I lay my back down on the bed. He moves his hips back and forth, grinding against me to gain friction. I moan at the sensation and he smirks "you like that, baby?" Asks James and I nod.
"I do" I reply.
He removes my shirt and kisses down my body. He runs his tongue across my waistband and I gasp, thrusting my hips up, begging for him to touch me, to do something, and he does do something. He removes both of our clothes and immediately enters me.
After a while of thrusting and moaning we finish at the same time.
"I've been thinking about doing this with you all morning" James confesses
"Really?" I ask
"I have been plagued with flashbacks of last night" James adds and I laugh.
"Well I must say I wasn't expecting sex today but it was a really good surprise" I reply
James smiles at me and I swear to Merlin I melt right there. He has such a hold over me.
"Okay, so you'll come sit at the Slytherin table for dinner?" I ask
James cups my face in his hands "Reg, love, stop worrying, I'll be there, I promise" James replies before kissing my forehead which does help settle me a bit more.
Soon enough it's time for dinner and I am a bit anxious, I don't know how hostile my friends will be and I don't know how James will react.
I'm sure it will be fine.
Is what I've been telling myself all day.
"You coming, Reg?" Asks Evan.
I nod and follow him and Barty down to the Great Hall.
James is waiting for me at the entrance and smiles when he sees me.
"Hey there hot stuff" James says walking up to me and placing a kiss on my cheek.
Hot stuff?
"Hey" I reply, a little bit flustered.
"Hey, man" says Evan, shaking James' hand
"Hey, Evan, right?" Asks James. Evan nods.
"Yo" says Barty with a head nod
"You must be Barty" says James and Barty smiles, winking at James before slinging his arm around Evan.
We walk to the Slytherin table and take a seat with James and I sitting together opposite from Evan and Barty.
"Hey, Reggie" Dora says as she walks over to our table.
We all stand, including James and I greet Dora with a kiss on the cheek.
"Hi, Pandora" James says with a smile, hugging her and kissing her hand, making her blush.
"Hey there, Potter" Dora replies, taking a seat on the other side of me.
"So, Potter, what made you want to get down and dirty with our Reggie?" Asks Barty. I run my palm over my face but James just smirks
"Isn't it obvious? Look at him! The boy's bloody gorgeous" James replies, causing both Evan and Barty to grin, and for me to blush wildly.
Dinner is going really well, and then we're interrupted.
"James, what're you doing on this table?" My brother asks
"I'm having dinner with my boyfriend" James replies
"Come back to the Gryffindor table" Sirius states
"Sirius, why do you care where James is sat? You'll ignore him either way" I cut in
"Reg, it's okay" James tries to console me but I shrug him off, ready to pick this fight with my brother
"That doesn't mean I don't want him around" Sirius snaps
"Well I think you're being unfair, so James is going to stay here, where people are actually going to talk to him"
James hasn't really been being included with his friend since Sirius found out about us and I can tell it's not boding well with James, but he pretends to be fine with it so as to not worry anyone, but I know, I can tell, and if he won't stand up for himself then I will stand up for him.
"I don't remember asking what you think, Reggie"
"Yeah, well I'm putting my two pence in, because frankly you have no right to still be mad at James, you have no right to alienate him and then act mad when he doesn't want to sit with you. You're being horrid and until you can be nice I won't be surprised if James continues to not want to sit with you"
"I have every right to be mad at him! He's sleeping with my little brother!"
"No. He's in love with your little brother and I am in love with him. He makes me happy. You're mad at your own best friend for making your brother happy, and if you cared about me as much as you claim to, you wouldn't be mad at him at all, so get a grip of yourself and look at the bigger picture"
"Hold your tongue, Regulus"
After he says that I feel sick. "You sound just like her" I spit
I immediately regret that.
Sirius' face falls and he stands, frozen, unsure of what to do.
"Reg, that was uncalled for" James says
I know.
"Sirius, I- I'm so sorry, I- I didn't mean it"
Sirius storms off.
"You should go after him" James states pointedly, and I know he's right.
"Do you think so? Or should I let him cool off?" I ask, nervous to follow him incase it makes things worse
"I think you two need to have a chat, love" says James, placing a hand on my knee
"You're right" I sigh.
I stand from the table and quickly follow my brother.
He eventually turns into an empty classroom and I follow him inside.
"Go away, Reggie" says Sirius, pacing the floor, trying to control his breathing.
"Sirius, I didn't mean what I said, I promise" I say franticly, clawing desperately at any attempt to prove to him that I was wrong and cruel .
"I let my anger get the better of me and that was wrong. You're nothing like her. You're nothing like either of our parents, Sirius. You were the only person in that house to show me an ounce of kindness and this is not the way I should be repaying you" I continue when Sirius doesn't reply.
"I know you didn't mean it, but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt me, Reg" Sirius states.
I run a hand through my hair, stressed even at the thought of hurting my brother, the only family member to show me true, pure love.
"I know, and for that I can only apologise profusely"
Sirius continues to pace.
I haul myself onto one of the writing desks, swinging my legs back and forth and pulling at my fingers to expel some of my nervous energy.
"Why are you so angry with James?" I decide to ask, this is obviously what we need to talk about.
"He didn't tell me"
"He was scared to"
"That's not an excuse"
"It most definitely is"
"Is that really the only thing that was holding him back? Am I truly that intimidating to him?"
"I told him not to"
"He wanted to tell you months ago, but I didn't think you'd react all that kindly to him, so I told him not to tell you, for him to wait so that I could break the news to you. I thought if you heard it from me you wouldn't be as mad because I'd be able to help you see it from my perspective. But then Christmas happened and then I couldn't work up the courage to tell you, and then Snape beat me to it anyway, which is what landed us where we are now. So really, it's not James' fault at all"
"You mean to tell me I've been practically punishing my best friend for abiding by your wishes?"
I nod my head and I can see a form of guilt washing over Sirius' face as he realises that really, regardless of the context, he shouldn't have been ignoring James in the first place.
"I feel like such a dickhead" Sirius states, wiping a hand down his face
"I've been trying to tell you that for ages"
"You're not helping, Reggie"
"Look, why don't you just apologise to James? He'll understand"
"I feel bad, Reg, but I'm still mad at him"
"Sirius, you have no right to be mad at him"
"He has been talking about being in love with Lily Evans for four years, suddenly that all stops and he gets with you. Do you expect me to believe he got over her so easily?"
"I know how it looks, but you have to understand that four years of rejection chips away at your attraction to that person until eventually there's no attraction left"
"I want to believe that for you, Reg. I love James but I fear he's jumping straight into you to help get over her"
"She kissed him"
"I beg your finest pardon?"
"Lily kissed James when they talked about me and him after Snape outed us. She kissed him and he didn't kiss her back, he didn't even entertain it. Does that sound like he's still in love with her to you?"
"James is very loyal, he wouldn't cheat on you, but that doesn't negate the fact that he may still have feelings for Lily"
"Why are you trying to ruin this for me?"
"I'm not! I'm just trying to prepare you"
"For what? The inevitability of my broken heart? Because you have no faith in my relationship?"
"No! Of course not! Reg, I just want what's best for you"
"Then why are you making this so hard?"
"Because I want to make sure I know what is best for you"
"You know James better than you know anyone else and you still don't know if he's good for me? That either means you know nothing about me or that no one will ever be good for me in your eyes"
"I'd like to say it's the latter one"
"The point is, is that surely your best friend is better than some random guy you barely know"
"You know what? Fine, sure, James is brill. I'm still hurt neither of you told me"
"You didn't tell us about Remus"
That shuts him up, he has no rebuttle for that one and so a silence settles over us, neither of us sure who should speak first, neither of us knowing what to say.
"Sirius, can you just promise me you'll stop punishing James? He'll never admit this to you but you ignoring him has been killing him. He's been kicking himself for weeks because he feels like he let you down. You've really fucked him up. Please just make it better"
Sirius sighs and nods "You're right, it's time I get over it"
I smile at my brother "come on, you can still make things right" I say
"Oh? Right now?" Asks Sirius, causing me to stare pointedly at him.
"Okay fine" he concedes.
I lead him back down to the Great Hall and to where Barty, Evan, Dora and James are all still sat. I sit back down next to my boyfriend as before "Sirius has something he'd like to say" I say to James before looking pointedly at Sirius.
"Prongs, I'm really sorry, I had no right to act the way I did. I'm glad you're happy mate. Can you forgive me? And can we go back to normal?" Sirius says.
I see the relief wash through James, and I see weeks of tension released from his shoulders. He cracks a smile, stands up and engulfs his best friend in a bone-crushing hug.
It warms my heart to see him so happy.


Hello there my lovelies!

I told you I'd have a chapter up soon! Sorry it's been a hot minute I have been a busy gal but I am gifting you all with this chapter that has some smutty content, some happy content, some brotherly angst and some heart warming stuff at the end! I hope you all enjoy! Until next time! Have a wonderful day you absolute cuties

Stay wonderful
I love you all!

All my everlasting love,
Blue <3

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